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18 de Julio, 2016    General

Cancer Full Moon 19/07/2016

This Full Moon occurs between houses 6 and 12, so health and work are the most important to consider. The Moons can make a maximum of energy, and also an end of situations, so may mean that there is a tendency to generate changes in labor, social, and health. It is good time to check the body, both physically and psychologically, to generate positive change and recover from conflict situations. Venus and Mercury remain in conjunction, so artists, musicians, singers, actors, writers, sculptors, architects, etc., have this beneficial action, you can give them a good push of success or fame, or social expand. For some people it may indicate decided to have a legal marriage. Uranus is in inharmonious with the moon and the sun, so tensions can be a very strong emotional connotation, a need to break free from all conflicts and fully free, this can lead many people to have situations or temperamental outbursts ends, little patience, and in some cases take unforeseen, or extremist decisions without thinking what might happen next. Saturn continues in inharmonious with the lunar nodes, Jupiter and Neptune, so some people may feel a sensation of defeat, or being slowed down, depressed, insecure, phobias, etc. For some people I could bring them to fall into the addiction of alcohol or drugs, and commit all kinds of acts of unconsciousness. Pluto momentarily no tine negatives, and it makes it a positive Neptune and Jupiter aspects, so you may be planning things future in confidence, and have an ally to solve internal to psychological level problems, and also have an additional strength internal power to handle difficult situations. Scorpio Mars that in no negatives, so it acts as a force of action and psychological or sexual force, for some it can mean to determine things at other times do not dare to do. There may be very intense moments in sexuality. The Sun is in conjunction with a fixed star called Procyon, especially the day 07/18/2016, its influence can produce violence, sudden successes, disasters, and especially affects politicians and politics in general, the situation may Saturn indicate the death of a major political or end of a political system, the problem may be that if so, may indicate that a new ruler or new political system can be worse than the previous; and can also be someone who comes to power and will last many years in management. If virus outbreaks appear can be lethal or last for long action.For different signs:Aries tensions can be in the family, and work, there may be significant changes, you may want to change jobs or being studied.Taurus the situation may help them act with intuition, clearly, and strong emotions, family is the most important place.Gemini children and finances are the most important issue facing, it is a good time for creativity and work the inside own security.Cancer situations are in labor and family, may be the end of a work situation, legal solve things.Leo the wheel of fortune accompanies them, perhaps interesting situations in the area of ​​the couple, a marriage proposal, good time in art, music, singing, social.Virgo continues with double situations, first structuring a new future, and with very good possibilities, and on the other many obstacles or brakes.Libra good time on a spiritual level, ability to travel, love a good chance of contact, need to solve situations with family and legal things.Scorpio on one side may have achievements in the profession or trade, eye betrayals, and another good side when the sexual, much magnetism.Sagittarius goals or internal structures they look like stops or braking, are likely to have icily through situations, however important good chance of love situations.Capricorn can be an end of relationships in the family and the couple need to get away from others, or being alone. Perhaps some prospects for achievement of money.Aquarius lot of inner strength to face life, money situations solutions, many new activities.Pisces continue internal and external conflicts, intuition and inner strength are increased, good chances in the sexual area, and the area of money ... everything.

RICARDO M. ZANI Astrologer

by birth charts to

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