This new Aries Moon is very intense, since it occurs with a conjunction of Uranus with the Sun and the Moon, so it marks great changes, unexpected situations, changes by force, renewal of situations, large-scale tensions, etc; in its positive part it can indicate instants of a lot of creativity, genius, a spark for discoveries, especially in the area of science and technology, electronics, and mathematics, this can influence many who are in the area of electronics and electricity. This triple conjunction is inharmonious with Pluto, being able to generate all kinds of psychological conflicts, physical problems, problems with energy, explosions, bombs, earthquakes, economic problems, financial problems, conflicts of all kinds, etc. For its part Pluto is in conjunction with Lilith and Mars, this may be meaning really negative events, dark, in which they can produce massive wars and destructions, gigantic explosions, completely negative attitudes, the biggest problem here is that economic interests may be above human interests. Jupiter does good things to Neptune and Pluto, giving the possibility of doing very positive things, things that include many people, especially in the spiritual area, astral projection, and have conscious spiritual experiences. On the other hand Venus, Neptune, and Pluto remain in good aspect, giving the possibility of great depth in the area of art, painting, and things that can be done or involve massive things or contact with many people, and the sensitivity of people, feelings or emotions can reach a greater depth than at other times, love can be intensified by these astrological situations, very positive for artists, musicians, painters, and all those who are in the area of art, the cinema, etc.
For the different signs:
Aries a lot of intelligence and creative force, very deep changes, maybe they have to face complicated situations, or difficult, but they have all the potential and strength to achieve their things, the biggest problem can be in the area of money.
Taurus good time in the workplace, and health, stability in the area of feelings, social success, parties, diversions, a lot of creativity in the area of art, singing music, popularity.
Gemini greater social contact, greater popularity, a lot of creativity in general, many situations that get out of hand, things that do not depend on their decisions. For some some proposal of couple.
Cancer on the one hand many complicated situations, many tensions, many pressures on all sides, betrayals, and complicated situations with children if you have them.
Leo maybe travel plans or long trip, new projects in the spiritual, achievements for athletes, new goals for students, a lot of creativity, in the area of the couple may be aimless, or couple situations do not go to any side, or do not go for the side you intend.
Virgo all the critical situation of the planets may be working for you, both in the workplace, the profession, in the area of the couple, the sexual, money.
Libra the goals are clear, or wanting to renew, are very complicated, pressured by all sides, lacking all astrological support, it is as if they were lonely, but active.
Scorpio has many positive aspects, especially in the area of the spiritual, a lot of intuition, a lot of perception, a lot of depth of capturing the capture of vibrations, psychic depth. There may be many ambitions but with obstacles in the workplace.
Sagittarius with greater strength to face situations, more active, more exposed to contact with others, the wheel of fortune accompanies them.
Capricorn much inside strength, a lot of ability to face all situations, combative force, depth and strength combined, eye with betrayals, some negative situation. They may have good work situations, social achievements and love, material achievements and money.
Aquarius reviewing legal situations, and situations with siblings, possibility to continue studying, or follow a profession.
Pisces family and home situations are the most important things, a lot of intuition, perception, astral travel, visions of the future and past, good working time, and the possibility of some idyllic love, good creative moment in the area of art, music, painting, etc.
By natal letters to
RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer