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14 de Mayo, 2018    General

Luna Nueva de Tauro 15-5-2018

This New Moon of Taurus is no stranger to what has been happening before, and I think we must pay close attention to this day and the following days, because its influence can be very deep or powerful, which can continue until day 22 or may 23. The Sun and the Moon are in opposition to Jupiter, from the 12th house to the 6th house, indicating that one can have great ambitions, but little is the result of them, giving the impression that work is much but with few benefits ; in turn the Sun and the Moon are in good aspects with Mars and Pluto, giving the possibility of having a lot of inner strength or power of action, to be able to achieve the objectives, it may mean that there are projects of the politicians or the powerful of the money, that they are hiding from the masses, that afterwards they are fully reflected in strong acts of violence. On the other hand Mars and Pluto are inharmonic with Uranus and Mercury, indicating that there may be very complicated situations due to the issue of freedom, situations of extreme violence, total irrationality, which can be expected from everything, can also produce earthquakes, many fall of lightning, explosions, massive destruction, uracanados winds, etc. Although the conjunctions of Mercury and Uranus usually produce an intelligence out of the ordinary, dynamics and reasoning in action, special for scientists, mathematicians, those who are in the area of ​​technology, electronics, the force of invention, etc. The Lunar Nodes are affected by the squares of Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus, making the objectives associated with intelligence, spiritual development and work-related have a great brake or obstacles, generating great tensions in the nervous system, and a lot of mental psychological stress, producing liver problems, headaches, problems in the central nervous system, problems in the lungs, etc. What worries me the most is that Saturn, Mars, Pluto, and Lilith remain in the 8th house, which can mean a very strong, or deep, karmic point, a moment of changes or transformations in human consciousness, but as a forced factor, with a demand much greater than normal or common, may be indicating that international politics is wanting to take more power over the common people, above all things, without caring about the massive outcome of their decisions. Neptune is in the middle of the sky, in Pisces, without bad planetary aspects, it is always very difficult to achieve concrete material things in this position, but what can benefit the most is art, music, painting, sculptures, cinema, the artists and actors in general, everything that has an illusory or fantasy base. Everything can indicate that the things that are happening will affect the whole humanity, or in some way the events will be reflected in all.For the different signs:Aries is leaving Uranus, the liberating energy, and a superior intelligence, but that so many conflicts have generated, have or continue with their firm goals, but with a lot of pressure.Taurus much inertia, much ambition, there may be a force of very deep changes, very demanding, Mercury enters these days to give them mental strength and rational, but with tensions, also today enters Uranus to his sign, giving them greater wisdom, technique, greater Individuality, personal independence, greater projection to your objectives, will be there for 7 years, this new Moon can be a total change in your lives.Gemminis are a little more replenished in the physical part, Venus gives them a little more social action, and various solutions, the wheel of fortune accompanies them for their personal achievements.Cancer very pressured everywhere, but can have achievements of money, or improvement in the material area, the intuition is full, with good chances of success in the workplace and the profession.I read good times for students, and to solve legal situations, there is a touch of luck or programmed achievements, a little more order.Virgo keeps clinging to his house and his family, the astrological situation benefits them, both in terms of work, health, and legal situations, possibility of family inheritance, stress in the area of ​​work or in the profession.Libra very demanded in every way, many controversies, but a little more focused on themselves, the tensions are going down, since Uranus is on the opposite side, and Mars enters the aquarium.Scorpio Jupiter gives them a greater projection in the work area, and improvement in health, but with things that can not be fully started yet, the students and teachers are the ones who are most affected.Sagittarius good time in the social area, love or partner, moments of intense feelings, need to establish a more stable and lasting union.Capricorn are in a demanding situation of conscious changes and transformations, by their own personal strength, with a stronger will, however there are very negative things to face, avoid betrayals and negative or harmful people.Aquarius gathering forces, remembering a near and distant past, good time to travel, to return to places where it has been enjoyed. The entry of Mars will give them a lot of strength and determination, a lot of action, and sexual magnetism.Piscis good time in the economic area, and in the profession, tend to expand their horizons, much abundance and luck.By natal letters to zanimiguel9@gmail.comRICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
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