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28 de Mayo, 2018    General

Full moon of Gemminis 29-5-2018

This Full Moon occurs between the 11th house and the 5th house, the one of the projects or goals, the friendships, the children, the creativity, the individual, etc; The Sun and the Moon are in good aspects to the Lunar Nodes, that gives the possibility of programming, projecting, achieving, achieving, the objectives and the goals that are considered as more important, it is a good time to organize, order, and solve the more important personal problems, solving situations with children, if you have them, or programming to have children, also the need to express the personality or the self in a more defined way. Jupiter is square to the Lunar Nodes, so the ambitions can be great but you have little resources to reach them, or feel like an internal brake to achieve certain things, or that you feel restrained to do them, especially related to the things of the home, the house and the family. Mars is in conjunction with the South Lunar Node, this can make you have memories of old relationships, in which sexual errors were committed or negative experiences were taken, and appear to be observed and resolved, it may be that relationships or similar situations, to be faced, tend to attract people with characteristics associated with the past, and with the same mistakes of the past. Pluto is in conjunction with the Black Moon or Llith, and the Wheel of Fortune on the 7th house, that of the couple and the social, love, ... on the one hand you can tend to want to have power over the social , the couple, or the emotions, wanting to consciously handle all situations at will, the wheel of fortune gives a touch of luck and paths that can be opened in this area of the couple and love, and on the other hand Lilith can make some dark side is manifesting, betrayals, deceptions, marriages for interest or to rise in the area of social, double relationships, etc. Saturn is in opposition to Venus, giving the feeling of not being able to fully express feelings or emotions, something of coldness in action, also feeling of loneliness, abandonment, depression, labor conflicts, problems with the skin, kidneys, blood pressure , little connection with the family. Mars and Uranus are still inharmonic, being able to generate collisions, plane crashes, hurricane winds, violence of all kinds, sexual violence, ruptures of relationships for not supporting more what is being lived, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tremors, explosions of all kinds, Government plots, and attacks in any place, there may be the end of some relationship of a very important character, or politician of some real house. On the other hand Jupiter is in good aspects with Neptune, Venus, and Pluto, this can generate great potential in the area of art, music, painting, the psychological, the spiritual, the persecution, astral travel, spiritual or paranormal experiences out of the ordinary, visions about the future or the past, or higher realities, achievements in the psychic area or the solution of deep psychological problems. Good time for the signs of water and earth for these astrological situations, which they have to take advantage of in this year, that many things will flow like river water.For the different signs:

Aries possibility of travel, lots of action, sports, some sexual relations, some financial solutions, more contact with children, new and renewed projects.

Taurus perhaps many tensions especially in the area of the couple, in the sexual, and the work or profession, possibility of some love in a hidden or reserved.

Geminis good time to order, organize and resolve your goals or objectives, important achievements, inner strength, the goals are clear.

Cancer brakes in the sentimental and social, cold emotions, or restricted, obstacles in the workplace, however good moment in the spiritual, the psychological, greater contact with the internal.

Leo good time to order life, a lot of action, personal achievements, for some money achievements, problems can be in the area of the family, and couple conflicts.

Virgo on the one hand disillusionment, things do not give the desired satisfaction, but greater stability in the area of money or material, greater harmony with children, and family. Possibility of interesting couple's plans.

Libra new goals or objectives, a lot of creativity, emotional tensions, eye with the new possibilities of couple, because they can be conflicting.

Scorpio feel somewhat restrained in their most important goals, brakes at home, or family, good time in the spiritual area, the psychological, the emotional.

Sagittarius very focused on themselves, situations with children is the most important in these days, good time to achieve, solve or solve their goals or objectives. Much sexual and emotional charge.

Capricorn very intense situations, both in the workplace and in the couple, need to have more control over the situations of a couple, on the one hand luck, but on the other care with betrayals, and deceptions. A lot of sexual magnetism.

Aquarius very intense moments, especially in the area of the couple, need to generate changes in the emotional attitude, much care with health, bumps or falls, or accidents.

Pisces are in a certain way spending a moment of peace or relaxation, both in the psychological and in the sentimental. Good time to solve deep problems.

By natal letters to

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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