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26 de Octubre, 2015    General

Scorpio Full Moon 27/10/2015

This Scorpio Full Moon occurs between houses 12 The Sun and the Moon house 6 may indicate that things are being done, on the one hand dissipate or do not have the strength and the expected outcome, or tend to want to be alone or away from each other, with the need to review his life and solve those things that are like a psychological torment, it is a good time to visit the doctor, the psychologist, and solve problems by disease. But on the other hand the moon is in the 6th house of work and the disease may enable new job opportunities to many and so out of the darkness of inactivity, can also be people who change their activities, change of work, change their attitude to life and reconsider, so take the right direction or do whatever you want and not what you support. For some changes may come from family pressures, problems with children, shortage money, excessive ambition, nervous tension almost able to follow what is experienced feel. The escapist tendency to drugs and alcohol and all kinds of attitudes may be going crazy, so we must avoid try those who have very crazy ideas or extremist attitudes because their influence can be fatal, or very negative, because there is a tendency to psychological vulnerability, and many internal insecurity; Scorpio power is dissipated. Venus, Jupiter and Mars are in conjunction this may alleviate some negativity these days, giving strength of feelings, strong connection between the sexes, producing very passionate relations, deep love, strong feelings of security or can nevertheless there will be people who start businesses or new goals that may be utopian to others or made goals to be achieved over time, and time. Love and sex very close, very connected feminine with the masculine, giving very durable relationships. Maybe the climate in the world remains in crisis, with very heavy rains, high tides, flooding, high winds, etc. Quadrature Saturn - Neptune can cause problems difficult to cure viral outbreaks, infections of all kinds, circulatory problems, venous, pressure problems. etc.For different signs:Aries tensions or problems may be in the area of ​​children, money and resources, perhaps one important change is also brewing a proposal that can change your future.Taurus new employment projections, perhaps one project that involves a lot of contact with people, or popularity, perhaps unusual or unexpected work.Gemminis many social activities, opportunities for romantic encounters, luck in contact with other solutions, legal issues and more self-control.Cancer wants to better manage their lives, or have higher awareness of what happens, possible trips, with many tensions, and little contact with the children. Forced internal changes.Leo possibilities of travel, sports, activities of all kinds, important personal achievements, accomplishments in the profession or business.Virgo may have romances or very intense and deep relationships, may have very important achievements, and perhaps new job or business projects. Expansion of targets.Libra tries to keep its clear goals and fight for them, with tensions and fears, justified or not. Beware of people who are related, because the deceit and betrayal lurk.Scorpio energies are dissipated, many emotions, a lot of imagination and intuition, loneliness or little support from others.Sagittarius expression is limited, or connection problems or answer others, perhaps some family problems in the braking action, may be putting together new goals, some achievements of money.Capricorn some achievements of money or financial solutions problems, but family tensions, and tensions over-spending.Aquarius good time for students or those in research or science, perhaps house changes or changes in the home, wanting to make many changes.Pisces perception and intuition still active, for many can be views states or intense perceptions. For other negative emotional states, melancholy, disappointment, disappointments.By birth charts to . RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
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