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06 de Noviembre, 2015    General

Venus - Mars conjunct 02/11/2015

This conjunction Venus - Mars occurs in Virgo and at home 4. Venus is love and connection with others, the need to interact, and to express beauty, Mars is the strength of action and gender relations both produce very passionate or intense, or the pursuit of those relationships; perhaps this intense need can lead to some who are too passive to act or take action, leaving behind the shyness or indifference. This combination is accompanied by the wheel of fortune, so what is generated or brewing here is or will have very good results, in addition to being in the house 4, can that many couples decide to live together and raise a family. Besides this conjunction accompanies the North Lunar Node that has to do with the most important purposes of destination, or important programs, for it causes magnetism generated here is very strong destination pairs in romantic and sexual relationships. In addition to this accompanying Jupiter conjunction, adding wealth and expansion project and making it more productive and energy in every way. The good thing is that it has no negative aspects conjunction of a planet, leaving acting in fullness. If you have projects or major goals to develop or concrete do, this is the best time for the level of positivity of the event, whether social projects, construction, business, political, music, food, fashion, remodeling, economic, banking, etc. There are other negative aspects these days that can slow other things or situations, but these events are very positive and to let them pass. On 6 and 7 November the Moon were added, resulting in a complete mix of masculine and feminine energies, making the connections between men and women are perfect, and very deep joints. They can also generate children or pregnancies very special children in every way, with a potential unusual, like children born in these days they have a huge potential both socially or achievements of large-scale projects, perhaps future spiritual leaders, social, political, scientific, etc.By birth charts to . RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
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