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15 de Junio, 2015    General

New Moon Gemminis 16 - 6-2015

Gemminis this New Moon is in the 11th house, the goals and objectives of friends, as the new moon usually occurs beginning of new developments, new relationships of friends, new beginnings of activities, whether intellectual, humanitarian, studies, scientific discoveries or new creations, renewing mental, or social values, etc. This New Moon is in conjunction with Mars, so the action force and energy of execution are in recovery, with great conviction and enthusiasm, so sexual intercourse, and they combine the masculine with the feminine, giving the possibility to strong relationships, very intense, passionate, beginning with much fire. The Midheaven is in Taurus so the trend of the month may be able to achieve stability materials or significant achievements in the profession. Both Venus and Jupiter are in Leo, the two positive planets are showing excellent potential to expand the emotional ties or love, and the ability to expand knowledge in every way, and to act in the area of ​​social, cultural, music, art, spirituality, politics, travel, etc., can be achieved things on a large scale, almost unimpeded. We must seize these days there are few in the year.For different signs:Aries good time for students and teachers, many possibilities of achievement in these areas, a situation may lead them to take decisions to change directions to follow. The pressure may be in health or work. Perhaps possibility of unexpected trip.Taurus momentum of social achievements, accomplishments in the profession, material achievements, overall stability.Gemminis good time for changes, many social relationships, parties, unusual relationships situations partner momentum of achievements and good conviction.Cancer may feel a little lonely or alone, and tends to not want to be in contact with others, and want to reflect on their lives.Leo good emotional, spiritual, cultural situations, couple, to expand objectives, the wheel of fortune accompanies them.Virgo achievements and accomplishments of money material stability. Beware of treachery in the couple.Libra good time to stabilize and achieve stuff, expand knowledge, money achievements, achievements in studies.Scorpio situations home and family are the most weighed, need to stabilize a little home, maybe legal solve things.Sagittarius home and the children are what is most at stake in these days, you may have to help with family resources.Capricorn work and health are the cornerstones of the situation, perhaps to further explore problems, or do some traveling. A very significant and concrete achievement.Aquarius good social, cultural and good relations in the couple currently concretions sentimental good time, perhaps wedding plans, or plans together with your partner.Pisces perhaps a time of profound change, fear or insecurity can make them confused or decision which direction to follow, but intuition is full, strong disappointments.RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer By birth charts to
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