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19 de Enero, 2015    General

Aquarius New Moon 20/01/2015

This New Moon is at home in the 11th house, the goals and objectives, so it is reinforced by the qualities of Aquarius, then it is a good moment to act independently, free from bondage, renovate goals or change by others, since this time gives the possibility to make strong projections into the future, do or plan jointly with groups of people or friends, do projects that are or involve many people. This day releases a lot of creativity and inventiveness, at very high levels, which are benefiting scientists and all those in the area of research. Are likely to perform demonstrations of humanitarian organizations, or new clusters are generated. In these days we must guard against falls, the nosiva or negative people, or those with dark purposes in their lives or in their minds. It is likely that you may feel defeatist or prone to depression or suicidal feelings, skip these days, the astrological situation is not good, does not help, try to keep a positive attitude over what happens. There may be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, large demonstrations water, shock, high winds, etc. Are likely to have politicians who are thwarting his efforts, in every respect, and who are thinking of leaving their governments or steps. it may be that is brewing the downfall of many important major political governments, or, as some religious leaders. Can also be making new virus outbreaks or new viral strains.
For different signs:
Aries despite economic, and social complications, can have very good prospects at money or material gains, social success, and the mind can be with all the brilliance and creativity, expanción objectives.
Taurus is likely that your family situation does not help, you may have to resolve legal problems or family situations. It may be very required in your environment.
Gemminis is closely associated with his family and his home and from there try to solve all your things, nevertheless, winds blow in their favor, moments of creativity.
Cancer resolve situations personally, versus the other, especially with regard to children if you have them. Maybe it feels like braking, or end, but it Aquarian Moon can give you a little extra sparkle to your present and future.
Leo are in a very good moment of astrological support, maybe they are finding out their projects or personal situations, especially in labor. In the area of sensation pair of distance or little support, or loneliness. Perhaps hidden relationships or love.
Virgo on the one hand a lot of social activity, highly demanded in its activities and profession. On the other hand eye with negative people, possibility of betrayal, deceit or fraud. Maybe separation of couples.
Libra good time to internal changes they are seeking, very buenes social, cultural situations, increased creativity and invention. Possible loving touch.
Scorpio good time in the area of the spiritual, good time for those who are studying, and for those in the area of education. Possibility of long journey.
Sagittarius side for a good time in the professional area, perhaps some expected achievement, labor ascencion or higher salary. On the other hand some personal and impersonal, couple or health resolve difficult situations,.
Capricorn has very demanded everything, but remains clear and very strong self-goals to move on, is learning to have more power or will on everything.
Aquarius very good time to make major changes, renovate goals, or develop the old goals, much inner glow, possibility of renewing feelings, or new couples or lovers, secret or hidden relationships.
Pisces on the one hand a lot intuition and personal strength, sexual or sexappeal force, the wheel of fortune accompanies them. But muchíma pressure or solve very conflicting situations. Sense of defeat or conflict situations with older people. Beware of extreme situations of psychological reactions of self-destruction.
RICARDO M. Zani astrologer
by birth charts to
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