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17 de Septiembre, 2013    General

09/19/2013 Virgo Full Moon and North Node - Venus conjunct

In this Full Moon, the Sun is in the 10th house , and the moon in the 4th house , so the profession , personal success , versus situations of home and family, is how to confront the past and the future, the fact and what to do, or situations that push us to do in the future. It's a great time to have all sorts of achievements , especially for mathematicians , scientists, politicians , everyone in the area of research. Mars , Uranus , Jupiter , Mercury , are in quadrature, making a square , it can be a point of significant irritability , unconsciousness , stress, lack of reasonableness , or act without thinking of the consequences , not to measure the results of what is does, so we must be attentive to what is going on these days , both in themselves and with others , and make decisions for reaction , but wait for another time more positive. The tension of these planets may indicate that the situation in the social and political environment may be or be in a very critical endpoint or both on the inside of the countries , and in international activity between countries. Saturn, Venus, and the North Lunar Node square Mars are so reaffirms the critical situation between countries, and Mars is square to the nodes , so the ways forward may be unclear , or produced under pressure or coercion, or the tendency of senior officials is doing so, and the corresponding reaction of the people. It may also indicate that the tendency to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are still in force , and all kinds of attacks and explosive situations .

Paradoxically Venus is conjunct the North Lunar Node and Saturn , a few hours after the full moon , Saturn and Venus both have to do with time , one at karmic making aware of our current and past errors , and processes Venus in relation to others through feelings especially loving couple and the relationship with others. Both have to do with the building , so both in conjunction with the North Lunar Node , means building something that is durable and tend to last for many years, can be romantic relationships tend to be serious and responsible , deeply attached , it is possible contact elderly people together with young people may also be that construction projects become large scale , in which architects and builders will be strongly influenced and benefited by this astrological situation . Neptune will provide a strong intuition and artistic sensibility , Jupiter will provide expansion , positivist , and knowledge , Pluto concentration adds strength , strength of conscience and social power. Mars square Saturn - Venus - North Lunar Node , may indicate that an old building scheme or connection with the other end have to give way to a new one, on the other hand it may indicate to some a new way of seeing love at things without connection with the sexual. At the political level may indicate a deep crisis in international relations , and is raising a new way to approach the situation jointly between countries.

For different signs :

Aries has scrambled home or home situations and scrambled past , you may feel you have to deal with situations with parents or inheritances .

Taurus possibility corporation or labor , or may work together with the couple, unlucky in love and the couple . Many social activity or social success.

Gemini good social or cultural situations , good time to make changes in your life.

Cancer must be very careful around them, although it has Jupiter helps to expand and print both your situation , to project another time things can not , there are negative situations outside their personal management .

Leo has excess energy and sexuality , perhaps temporary relationships , but be careful with that , you can change your situation and destiny. Perhaps tired of the current partner or not you have more patience .

Virgo Good time in the profession , success in all areas , is a good time to shine fully .

Libra have clear goals , but the situations make them doubt whether or not to continue the course set . Beware labor contracts or papers to be signed .

Scorpio is a good time to go deeper into himself, and against that way you're looking . Perhaps very serious affair , and deep , perhaps the love of his life .

Sagittarius good time to public relations, to connect with others, good economic prospects.

Capricorn friendships or family does not help, but it has great strength and force resolution , good chance of money, and love situations .

Aquarius is as aimless need to guide you a little. Resolve situations with siblings .

Pisces many mixed emotions , many emotions and emotional situations that flood , your home is a refuge.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

Personalized Astrology

The awakening of consciousness. 7/7/2014-El Be One




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