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15 de Septiembre, 2012    General

Virgo New Moon 16/09/2012

This New Moon occurs in house 2, almost 3, in conjunction with Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune inharmonious. Although new moons or early changes in the area where they are, this is a special point of change in the economic and material strength is doomed to terms of making money, work, job changes, the details to be improvements in the workplace. The details of Mercury and Virgo, the mathematical and calculator both can do a good time to organize and clean everything about the profession, personal business, and everything about the way a company is organized. It is time to give the optics just to stick with a clearer focus. Jupiter does not help in the expansion, but is in the house of the objectives and goals that can be achieved if the details are settled and organized structures from a clear and well-reasoned. As Virgo has to do with health, is a very good time to give a place to check the body and give yourself time to heal from all ailments of the body, analyze them and find possible solutions to the current state. Also a good time to analyze all psychological or mental problems, and have analytical and mental strength, to see more clearly the specific problems and address them with great mental strength. As we are in a sign of the mind and learning is good time for students, psychologists, those working in mathematics, general science, and everything that has to do with discovering, exploring, researching, etc.. These days are not recommended long trips, because they can not give the expected result. On the other planetary situations this day, sentimental or amorous situations not connected with sex, so I tend to be situations, sexual, or emotional, can not expect much peace these days. The Lilith conjunction with the South Node of the Moon continue to make mischief, and to be in the 10th house, international politics is in deep conflict, especially with regard to the economy, one would expect a decline in international exchanges, and serious problems remain standing for some banks. The Midheaven in Taurus give you the feeling that everything can achieve and accomplish, also gives momentum to what has already been established, but the issue is out of the inertia of the established safe to make changes, well calculated and reasoned that makes Virgo.

For different signs:

Aries may want to take refuge in religious or spiritual activities, sports activities, trips, etc., and you need somewhere to channel their tensions, and all those things that haunt him. Is likely to be activated magnetism of love and social relationships. Very popular, despite everything. Universal love expressed in humanitarian activities.

Taurus feels the winds blow in favor, and you can reach them to stop untouchable things, but can have professional achievements and stability, especially for what they are in the area of ​​the field and politics in general, and those in the construction.

Gemini has a good chance to expand your goals and resources, since Jupiter is helping to expand on end, but the new moon virgo forces them to review everything you have, and review the issue of health .. Romances for Gemini may be many these days.

Cancer can change that deeply affects the moon, and bring to rethink his life, especially the family, this may lead them to feel a little lonely or isolated from others.

Leo was a point of choices and actions, if the action be for love or sex, or stop speculating to make a deep loving contact with someone. The wheel of fortune accompanies them, so everything will go well.

Virgo this is a point of analysis and profound changes, your life can change very big in every way, whether it's social situation is pressing, or because they have some achievements in that area drive to go in another direction . The accompanying rational mind to achieve to find the right thing.

Pound this as "in the air" as always, but a little more, feel things are going and he can not realize, for students eventually sort does little to achieve their stuff. Saturn continues to press in the order their situation, especially in the social and emotional.

Scorpio feels like anchored to your home or family, but neither wants to let go or leave, fix situations may purchase or home sales, this is likely in family disputes by inheritance or children. It is likely that these situations are pure sex, where you have to choose between their current or new relationships. Possibility of new children.

Sagittarius is very optimistic and willpower to face the current situation, is positive enough to resolve things, it is likely that the children (if any) given a boon or positive surprise.

Capricorn is very plugged in their work or in finding a job are likely to get a job but temporarily not give the expected result. You may be thinking in old relationships, which for some reason did not materialize, the situation may lead them to seek changes in social contact.

Aquarius feels like very magnetic in attracting love situations, or have activities with current partner, but want to express their feelings in a very intimate, which puts them at odds. Many group activities can help you out of a rut, it may be a good time to sell things and increase your sales contacts.

Pisces feels strong on one hand, but he knows he needs to change things, perhaps this is the time to bring about change, as it has the will to do it, and also solve old conflicts.

PS: In the article on "Mercury-Sun conjunction Day 10/09/2012" I had said the possibility of an "international conflict religious problems", and so, about the death of a U.S. ambassador. Here is the link for those who want to verify.

RICARDO ZANI astrologer

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