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19 de Septiembre, 2012    General

September Equinox 9/20/2012

Taken as a reference to the equinox as the time "Sidereal Zero", but also speak to the entry of Libra at the equinox day 22. The Equinox is produced at 17hs 37 `Greenwich Mean Time. These days are of equal energy in the day and night, so always these days has been used for programming things, are all rituals, meditations for connecting to higher energies, or to thank the Mother Earth, and balancing internal energies. All previous cultures have in mind these days, to pray for their needs. This is the last before 12/21/2012 equinox, before the big end of the Mayan cycle and the new cycle beginning dawn of the galaxy, which we hope will bring a profound change neva hope in humanity. The Sun is in the 7th house, like Venus, so everything about the social, cultural, sentimental, international politics, will look somewhat activated or stimulated, causing them to generate large MOVEMENT of people, one hand positively, activating or stimulating human relationships of all kinds, sexuality also be increased by a maximum exponent. Many new couples are generated from these days, with strong bonds that can be very durable, and even more, ending in marriages or stable relationships. The Moon is conjunct the Moon's North Node, so it's likely that if you are a couple with great affinity, can be a couple of final destination, or is very close and successful in the relationship. It may be the case that women who are pregnant, have problems with pregnancies or worse, with abortion trends. The generated square Uranus-Pluto-Mercury, conflicts can mean serious legal, political, economic and international. The square of the Moon with Neptune can mean much to Check feelings, or how it feels for others, not to mislead, deceive or through relationships, also beware of deceptions sentimental, there is a strong trend to disappointment or disillusionment in relationships. Jupiter in good aspect to Venus, can increase personal achievement, family achievements, and increased achievement in the couple. It's a good time for those in the field area, animal husbandry, psychologists, and all that are in the sale, or trade in general. This is an indicator that many households find solutions to their financial and emotional problems.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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