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04 de Septiembre, 2013    General

Virgo New Moon 09.05.2013

This new moon is in the 10th house , the house of success , achievement and future. The planets in this day and previous days as the July 26 , form a hexagon so that the planets are connected to each other , except Mars, Uranus and Venus. It's a great time to have all sorts of achievements , successes in all areas and actions. It's a good time for writers, architects , builders, artists, doctors , inventors, scientists , painters , actors , sculptors , mathematicians , accountants , etc., covering almost all areas of society and culture. While it is a good time for politicians or international politics, some can reach greater heights or success in their management, especially in the international economy. The Lunar North Node is in the ascendant conjunct Saturn and the wheel of fortune, in Scorpio , the possibility that they can stabilize or concrete things that are difficult to resolve , but otherwise is in disharmony with Mars , so difficult situation between countries or between countries critical conflict also be producing or brewing , the squares of Jupiter , Uranus , and Pluto can still report all armed conflicts , and it may be that the land is destabilized , with tremors , rashes volcanic , high winds , and so produced by men with serious scientific experiments failed or human error, or large explosions bombs, attacks etc. .

At the physical level may liver and respiratory problems are the most active, and sexual problems and head , also the problems of the spine and bones. There may be an unexpected change in any significant political .

For different signs :

Aries its action is to focus its self and to act and develop their creativity , and strength of action, but tend to want to act impulsively , but his intelligence is very active. You probably have little patience , especially labor . Tendency to have little contact with the children .

Taurus lot of work and social activities. Ability to meet life partner associated with previous or former partner might be expressing talents did not know I had, internal capabilities are being activated .

Gemini is likely to change , to make reforms , internal changes , and power analysis of his life. Possible partnership.

Cancer possibility and sports travel . Good time for students and teachers. Good time in the spiritual.

Leo may be in conflict with any or all have to wait a bit to find its way.

Virgo is its best chance of success , in order to have economic stability and professional , good time for writers and students. Labor contracts .

Libra good time for socializing , plans to stabilize the emotions or relationships, perhaps related decisions which follow, possibility of some love. Good time for artists, actors, singers .

Scorpio good time to structure and organize your life , significant achievements , both spiritual and material . Best of luck . Sexual conflicts , eye to risk their lives for nothing .

Sagittarius on the one hand is a run of luck, but otherwise feel pressured at work, or by their superiors. If you have children expenses or little contact with them .

Capricorn this time may be one as rarely has , after many, many things against , can be achieved in other time things failed, and resolve situations very deep . Achievements of money and career .

Aquarius is likely to want to change course or direction in life , but at this time it is not advisable , since it does not come anywhere claro.tendencia compulsive or violent reactions .

Pisces feels like stuck in your house and their goals , feel that nothing can move . perhaps long journeys , and changes in attitudes about their profession .

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

By birth charts to

The awakening of consciousness. 7/7/2014-El Be One




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