Both planets have to do with time , and united both North Lunar Node , which has to do with the future or what they want the future , this is a special day to make new structures or to do things that have not been been done at other times , it's like a time portal and realization realization opened, is a time to schedule or make new goals for the future or to establish new parameters that have or need much time to complete , and lots of patience , righteousness, love , perseverance , beauty, art , emotional expression , passion, and awareness of what you want really . The things here are achieved or collected , have a long development . It is likely to forge new political structures , or the power of a politician or a character that can somehow have great relevance in the actions of the world, and international presence will be well marked , and their influence too. It may also be associated with several countries for their own benefit in a greater and lasting action . It may also be an important international character marries , or ascend in office dirigencial . From another point of view tend to increase commercial activity and work in a more massive . It can be also the murder of an important leader , both political and spiritual. It may be that the action on this Mars square Saturn- Venus conjunction , have some political regimes fail or spiritual , and thence to bring into being a new structure. From the point of view of planet earth , continue telluric situations such as strong earthquakes , volcanic eruptions, etc. . In these days to care much explosive or violent emotions , because they can cause heart problems , kidney problems, and spine . Armed clashes continue to be a threat or a specific situation, with attacks of all kinds.
RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
Personalized Astrology zanimiguel9@gmail.com
The awakening of consciousness. 7/7/2014-El Be One