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13 de Noviembre, 2015    General

Scorpio New Moon 11/11/2015

 New Moon is in the 9th house, with Mercury. Here changes can be very deep, especially in the spiritual area, and foreign relations. It is a good time for students, teachers, athletes, those in the area of ​​research, psychology, the invention. Mercury gives strength to reason, and go deep with a strong concentration and observation, good time for self-analysis. Venus and Mars follow in conjunction on Lunar Node north so it tends to the magnetic attraction between couples, and that love and sex are connected together with the projects and different designation, couples who have been brewing these days They can be lasting and profound. Neptune is on the ascendant in Pisces, making perception and intuition very deep, but in inharmonious with Saturn, may cause disharmony occur in the emotional, psychological, physical, troubled by loneliness, melancholy, depression, problems in the circulatory system, viral problems, infections, venous and arterial problems, problems with blood pressure, etc. Pluto remains on negative aspects with the Black Moon and Uranus, social problems can produce very negative situations on a massive scale, either by problems resources of money, the stock market crash, or negligence of governments, or other situations power of the haves. There may be a serious problem for a politician, president or someone of royalty.For different signs:Aries on the one hand can be new situations gains money, but under much pressure or demands. Perhaps many demands or situations with a partner.Taurus will be very demanded or forced to make changes, especially mentally, and spiritually, may want to make a trip to relax tensions. Good time for further study or studies end.Gemminis home is the focus of Attention, by a tension side, and on the other hand new perspectives.Cancer on the one hand are benefiting from the situation, perhaps with travel, and some new opportunities, but very demanded and seeking new directions. Situations with children or children.Leo are observers rather than actors, work is your biggest goal or action, they may be very required, and even reach a new position or in work.Virgo for a very sensitive side, disappointed, and low defenses, and on the other hand very good chances of social achievements or couple, for some wedding plans, much love.Libra intense era in love and sex, all schedules are subject to change by adding someone else in her life. Beware of treachery and negative people.Scorpio good time to change, or perhaps sports travel plans. Good spiritual moment. Achievements in studies.Sagittarius on the one hand highly anticipated achievements but perhaps under a lot of effort, but problems can be physical or mental health. Disappointments.Capricorn is with very clear objectives and strong to face all the problems can be that they are required to overspend to keep their independence. Beware of treachery. Maybe change in labor.Aquarius may be a little deflated, or with low defenses, a few days for resting would benefit, good time for internal search.Pisces internal intensity continues, is a good time to address things postponed, the wheel of fortune accompanies the shackles may be in the physical and psychological health.By birth charts to RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
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