This conjunction of Venus with Jupiter in Leo, may mean that the two planets share many beneficial opportunities to expand all sorts of things, emotions, spiritual, profits, resources, kindness, expression of the heart, cures all kinds disease, expand the mind and creativity, art, acting, music, etc. You can give the possibility to feel very positive, positivity that can generate this combination. Many loving relationships are generated in these conjunctions, since the two aspects the male and female, marriage proposals also bind since some end up convincing relationships. Travelers and people who are associated with connections abroad, public relations, politics, benefited from this situation are because connections can occur at other times can not be given. From the spiritual point of view because it gives deeper than meeting the love and spiritual knowledge, expanding consciousness to love with love. Athletes are influenced by this cause because Jupiter rules the muscles and Venus love, so that together give greater effort positivity feeling connection with the action.
RICARDO M. Zani astrologer
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