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Blog de Círculo Zer for you an aid to your spirit
04 de Diciembre, 2013    General

Three years publishing astrology and science of the spirit

We met three years of Astrological Predictions on the web

Astrological situations this year have been and are very complicated , only a few moments have been something positive , especially Scorpio. Squaring Uranus - Pluto has been producing all kinds of revolution and reaction to change, with a reaction of the people or masses of people who are reacting to the governments by the current situation of scarcity , lack of money and work, lack of social support, crisis in religious and political clashes in short the power of the masses as opposed to governments or political leaders . I think that many things have been brewing or doing in secret or hidden, that most of us someday we'll find out , by the quality of Pluto to do everything with a total reserve , and making plots also was compounded this year to that square Jupiter , increasing tension and crisis resources , making the situation worse deeper many of society. Before every crisis there are always people who benefit and wins. The moments when you are added or added , transits of fast planets, like the Sun , Venus , Mercury, and Mars, adding the transit of the Moon , the latter squaring Pluto - Uranus , made all kinds of situations occur reviews climate as big winds , large movements of water, heavy rains , floods, earthquakes or earthquakes , volcanic eruptions, and all kinds of inclement weather , extreme temperatures, heavy snow, hailstones , etc. . All this I was predicting astrologically speaking and was serving , and sometimes I think it may not have said what was happening to astrological level , was much milder , although this quadrature voltage is not over, because it will continue several more years, and by crises in the areas of Aries , Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn , especially next year in April 2014 , and in July 2014 I think situations that will produce large changes in the political , social, economic and religious or spiritual. I also want to highlight my successes with the political situation of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, about the political situation and health, she somehow from August entered a change socially in decline and disrepute, and had announced it would be a before and after in its management, and so is being, like their health problems. Another thing that I hit was in critical health situation and politics of Hugo Chavez , who had said about the end of December 2012 and beginning of 2013. There are many successes I've had this year , and earlier , you could list . What is coming is even more important , especially in December that will be plagued by events that leave us with an open mouth , either the first days of December , mid , and late this month. This is a time of many reforms and changes , and nothing is foreign or static. I hope everything will move towards the general good, and not just the benefit of the few , and that the power of God with us.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

For queries

On behalf of Ricardo and mine , Eduardo Zani , we give thanks to all the readers of our publications of astrology, and human sciences , and notes of general interest to the physical and mental wellbeing . In mid-December to get a million entries to publications, both in Castilian and English. This support strengthens us as we double this year to the sum of the previous two , plus we have received rave reviews especially in Google+ . This fills us with satisfaction and encourages us to continue in this line , especially in the year of the awakening of consciousness that is in 2014 as the starting date 07/07/2014 , the big change and preparation began on 21-12 -2012 announced by the Mayans and will continue over the next 7000 years for the elevation of the human race to fourth grade. To everyone, without exception, Many THANKS , especially those who allow us to publish , without whom our success would not be possible . The information published will remain free , and the commitment to continue with rigor , as we have done until now .

 The awakening of consciousness 07/07/2014 - Being One

 Transforming Emotions in Feelings Without knowledge , not live

 EGO transmute in Self-Esteem Without understanding, I do not exist

 Make life a conscious reality Without love , I'm not

Palabras claves , , , , , , , ,
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