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17 de Mayo, 2015    General

Taurus New Moon 05/18/2015

This New Moon in Taurus, the house is 4, so the home, family, and personal background are the things that are emerging as major; the conjunct Mars makes what is alive with great intensity, with strong determination, anxiety, very focused on action and sexuality very close to the surface. It may be marking a revival in sexuality, or initiating new sexual relationships, and the tendency to act or make the determination to act, when fear or insecurity before he had what might happen. This New Moon with Mars, are in opposition to Saturn, so situations, especially situations of home and career, become very difficult here politicians and international situations are very locked or difficult interaction, either internally with serious conflicts, and externally with external conflicts, perhaps armed conflicts or territorial disputes, it is likely that any country wants to move to another land or want to take another; You can be the downfall of a kingdom or king or political importantly, the situation may be critical or chaotic, with extreme poverty, and has to act in extreme form, can also be the fall or escape from a politician or president by the crisis inside his country. The square of Neptune to Saturn and Mars may indicate a profound physical and psychological defeat and a defeat for lack of money or resources, sense of abandonment, depression, etc. This astrological position can cause falls of all kinds, cracks, problems in the veins or arteries, circulatory problems, decalcification etc; It can also cause earthquakes, large mobilizations of water, huge rains, floods, high tides, winds strongs, all kinds of inclement weather, plane crashes, They can wreck boat, all kinds of viral proliferations. I do not recommend making new romantic relationships these days, as they can end badly or not bear fruit than expected.For different signs:Aries has money to resolve situations, health also, and even more the situation of the couple and the children. Emotions are unstable or unclear, try to wait a while before you act, decide or determine something to be definitive. Saturn will give them the strength, perseverance and strength to move forward.Taurus This astrological situation affects them directly, so the profession, family, friends and health is what is most affected, will be tested in every way, however they may be finding new ways forward.They gemminis situations of children and finance are things to face, several strains, are very energetic, very active, good time to study.Cancer maybe good chance of working, a lot of social activity, perhaps love or loving relationships, problems with integration, or undirected It seems uncertain destiny. If there are children to resolve situations with them.Leo work and the couple paid the utmost importance, or attention, good time for important achievements, accomplishments at work and money. Maybe problems with bosses.Virgo may have ups of romantic relationships, a change in family status, eye with people that relates should select who goes well, legal situations or solve papers.Libra is very difficult, especially in the sentimental area, and the area of ​​destination It seems not find the address, but may be working in the profession or achievements, and family solutions. Ability to travel, good time for students and teachers.Scorpio moon it the push and demand a lot, both in the family, job or profession, and in the area of ​​the spiritual, good time for athletes.Sagittarius is trying to gather her things, trying to act with seriousness and honesty, any chance of improving on the job or profession. There may be some insecurity, depression, or to solve complex situations.Capricorn is also complicated, needs a bit of rest, perhaps some solution in terms of work or profession, in the sentimental disputes or situations with no current solution.Aquarius good time to act and express their full potential, perhaps disagreements with your partner, or feel limited in their actions, the wheel of fortune accompanies them.Pisces perhaps money profits, but many expenses or spending by unexpected problems for depression or stress, insecurity, blood pressure problems or veins. Beware of extreme decisions.RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer By birth charts to
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