The Sun conjunct - Neptune increases intuition , perception , imagination , the unconscious or hidden part of consciousness, are good moments to make deep analysis of themselves, self- observed , analyzed, and see all the things that happen to us in our environment and in themselves, all our mistakes , astral influence helps to see all deeply psychological errors . It is also good time to what they are in the work of the occult , such as astral travel , mediunidades work of the energies of the chakras , etc. . It is good time to be cures in natural therapies and alternative therapies that help heal the astral and energy problems. In short it is what is astral exalted .
RICARDO M. ZANI I astrologo
For inquiries zanimiguel9@gmail.com
The awakening of consciousness 07/07/2014 - Being One
Transforming Emotions in Feelings Without knowledge , not live
EGO transmute in Self-Esteem Without understanding, I do not exist
Make life a conscious reality Without love , I'm not