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28 de Febrero, 2014    General

Pisces New Moon 03/01/2014

This New Moon occurs in the 7th house , conjunct Neptune , and kiron so social , creativity through art , painting, music, singing , theater , cinema, etc. , are activities that will be most influenced , and also everything related to love relationships , which would be more than idyllic love , all that kind of feelings that tend to sublimate or fantasy , with archetypal people , or that somehow seem unattainable . The tendency to create links tend to be prestige. You may feel that things flow more easily or that there are projects that can be achieved more easily, and the possibility of expansion. Disharmonious positions of Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter continue to affect the financial position and demonstrations for escasees of resources and lack of work, there may be many weather events , high winds , earthquakes , volcanoes, torrential rains , floods, etc. . The Mars - Venus squaring can produce temperamental outbursts, or sexual violence, infidelity couples breaks , excessive passions and sexuality, or somehow sex without emotional commitment , or love not mixed with sex. There is probably a tendency for women over 40 want children or who become pregnant . However the trend these days is the abortion trend, or losing pregnancy , or it hard to come to fruition . The Saturn - Mercury square may indicate nervous tension or tendency to have problems in the nervous system, the ideas become tense or difficult to handle, or some stubbornness and irrationality .

For different signs :

Aries is pressed to change, and change your perspective on the objectives , especially in contact with the children , if any, is also important to give priority to their health.

Taurus good time to travel , spiritually , and renew themselves feel at times that can achieve great things on a large scale .

Gemini good time to the profession or job , though he 's handled the situation so that staff, solutions of legal problems.

Cancer and the Black Moon leaves your sign , and that the greatly alleviate , jupiter is still there to enhance them the situation but under great strain , roads begin to open .

Leo tries to take away from the situation and try to relax from the pressures to which it is accustomed to deal , tensions can be very large , but it will go away by little .

Queen Virgo a time of great change , but is likely to greatly improve your financial situation , and your health , the wheel of fortune accompanies .

Libra is likely to have money or achievements resolve your financial situation , strong sexual magnetism, and impulsivity. Maybe take passionate situations change partners .

Scorpio lunar North Node is leaving your sign so we should take advantage of these days to complete development of its future, although mental health or work or stressful situations may be influencing in its decisions . Maybe you want to end a type of work stress.

Sagittarius may want to spend more time with your family or want to travel with her to make changes or rest. Forward to new home or change home.

Capricorn perhaps loving or passionate situations , they are not going anywhere, are only temporary , perhaps you risk new relationships out of loneliness , but do not match their true purposes of life.

Aquarius is a good time for creativity, and ingenuity , but his nervousness can lead to stress. Chance of work, but not what is wanting or needing .

Pisces good time to change , very good social , cultural and creative relationships , especially for the artists is a good time for spiritual work . Chance of a great idyllic love.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

For inquiries

 The awakening of consciousness 07/07/2014 - Being One

 Transforming Emotions in Feelings   Without knowledge , not live

 EGO transmute in Self-Esteem         Without understanding, I do not exist

 Make life a conscious reality             Without love , I'm not

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