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05 de Marzo, 2012    General

Spain sad

Every day adds more people to look for something in the container to sell and survive

The sadness overwhelms Spain

When you go out every day you can see the sadness widespread in Spain, and not just people who take a daily bus, metro or tram, or the few people who go into business to buy something in rebates and needed, but also the many people looking at something to sell container.   Before the exclusive realm of the beggars and gypsies in search of scrap metal, broken appliances, mattresses and furniture abandoned, are threatening their livelihood by Africans, South Americans, Eastern Europeans and Spanish jobless. Even more sadly gives young couples when they are pulling makeshift carts looking for something with a bit of value that can be sold. How much to look for a livelihood if the pay chatarreras 0, 20 € the scrap kg and 1 kg € the unpeeled copper wire? It is imperative to revive the economy. It's not just the leaders who must make the effort, also those with the power to move the money. The money spent on bureaucracy does not generate employment. All that does not produce wealth and is consumed by government, poverty and ill bring the companies making them unsafe, criminal and corrupt. We must all return to joy, preventing the waste of government, generating works and enable the private invest money for access to work. For the gentlemen rulers do not forget that prior to normal people in charge were common in the society they lived in suffering the same, now that they are in power, than drunkenness and work for others which is also the his. Spain's not turn on "looking" for a living, we are all intelligent, strong and sensible to make this country great, as it was.

All that does not produce wealth and is consumed by government, poverty and ill bring the companies making them unsafe, criminal and corrupt
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