Pisces Full Moon 08/03/2012
The Sun is in casa1 in Pisces and Moon in Virgo in the 5th house.
The Moon is conjunct Mars in opposition to the Sun's goals
and objectives are the focal point, starting against: creativity, strength and
sexuality. The Moon-Mars conjunction excess can
emotions, passions, and an overload of sexuality in the mind,
can also give great strength of conviction and action in other
not currently have, and by dint of courage or fighting force,
but always under the analytical point of Virgo and cleanser.Appearance
positive Jupiter and Venus to Mars and the Moon, may indicate
new relationships, with the consequent possibility of generating
pregnancies, as these days are very favorable to generate, they
aspects are also generating a lot of positivity and good luck,
also special for those in financial matters,
business, the stock market, and those who like gambling. It
especially for new transactions, generate
companies, start jobs, new businesses, especially those
are related to foreign trade or international. Is a
good time for those who want to wean, or
free from bonds or bonds. Was already opposed by
Saturn and Jupiter, so the tension in the international economy
lightened or likely see improvements or solutions without
many restrictions, and the presidents or presidents will see their
operated without much opposition or much brakes. They form new
international alliances. Support from Pluto to Mars, Moon, Venus,
Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron, will cause the staff to be
expressed in a more massive and staff, giving the possibility to
able to handle a little more will all about it
social, sexual, sentimental, and the possibility of acquiring
cash resources. Provides the ability to bring about change or reform
will. Mars-Neptune opposition can produce states
bulnerabilidad psychological or fears, can also produce a
greater tendency to use drugs, psychotropics, alcohol, and all kinds
of mind-altering substances, in excess, so you have to
much of all this care to avoid these problems zeros
days, because you can go into a coma, or loss of consciousness ..
Another factor that helps is that opposition Pluto square
Uranus-Mercury, giving a little patience situation and attitudes
extremist or moderate reasonableness, where the temperament can be
explosive or irritable, and make decisions without thinking about the
results of the acts, and this can produce extreme attacks
of all kinds. The opposition of Saturn with Venus produces a coolness
in relationship with others, and somehow slows contacts
social and political good looks of Neptune, it relieves
situation, giving greater sensitivity and insight to this situation.
May be the case that it has a tendency relationship
married, separated or widowed, or otherwise relations
informal or hidden.
For the different signs:
Aries is a point of much tension and stress, a lot of impatience, and
want to throw everything out the window, wanting to change everything that you
around and all. But you can take advantage of the passage of Mercury
think deeply about their lives and the methods you can use to
solve your current situation.
Taurus is the best in their favor, is the moment of luck and
expansion projects. Possibility of loving relationships
intense popularity, greater self-control and
situations, a lot of sexual activity. Contact separate persons,
widows, or older. Beware of betrayals.
Gemini is a very positive and very active, notwithstanding that can
be weighing the past, has the strength and clear mind to follow
below. tends to recover from physical problems.
Cancer is an astrological point of support unbeatable, and the
possibility of improving their economic situation, some shots
Fortunately, any chance of employment contract, short and long trips,
can be a very good moment of success in the material around
Leo is trying to solve situations of the past and the home or
family, other situations in your life can it be
absorbing way too, and have the need to retreat to your home or
use it to relax or escape from his surroundings.
Virgo is like a framework of luck and opocisiones. you may
find out all these things that have been as stagnant
and could not solve. Many possibilities of sex,
passionate. But they come with pregnancy.
Libra can you are recovering from physical problems.
Possibilities for a new job, which can be durable or stable
for long. Possibility of loving relationships with people
married, separated or widowed. Possibility of their political or
relationships with politicians.
Scorpio may feel overwhelmed by their work or not is
the correct output to their actions, the problems may
weakness or diminished physical problems see their work or not
can make the whole. However very good
chances of success in general, and many opportunities for strong and
passionate sex.
Sagittarius is as eager to social relations of all
type, perhaps cultural or musical. It is likely to find a
great love, perhaps someone very lucky, and you can change the
life. The wheel of fortune is in your sign, you can open
many doors.
Capricorn must take care of a lot of health because it tends to
psychological and physical stress, but in spite of this, has very good
possibilities of new labor contracts, new companies
commercial papers solutions or legal situations, inheritance.
Many possibilities for love and sexual situations. Ascension
labor. Possibility of long trips or to go abroad.
Aquarium possibility of achievement in the profession, or business achievements
political, renewal of contracts, labor ascension. Possibility
travel for work. It has very clear what he wants and has the strength
to achieve personal independence.
Pisces is also unclear, or otherwise has all the
support astrology and luck needed to carry out their
objectives. Chance of a new partner or new love, with the possibility
sexual situations and passions, and probability of pregnancy.
Achievements in politics and social issues. You must take special care
not using drugs or drinking too much alcohol, because it can cause serious
problems, abortions for pregnant women and relationship breakdown
unconscious acts of love.
RICARDO ZANI astrologer
For charts to zanimiguel9 @ gmail. Com
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