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16 de Noviembre, 2013    General

Scorpio Full Moon 11/17/2013

The Sun is in the 7th house , Moon in house 1 , the associations will be the most important , relationships, connections , fittings, etc . The Sun in Scorpio causes feelings become deeper , with the need to hold in reserve everything you do , always try to keep your intentions out of the reach of others, so that no interference in their purposes , so here 's intentions or the relationship is kept secret , and as the North Lunar Node , Saturn and Mercury are also in the 7th house and in Scorpio , so relationships and intentions of relationships tend to hide or keep secret, to be carried out under reserves , as Scorpio acts , but also with the strong conviction and concentration , will tend to constancy , reliability, rational strength , stability, and relationships with older people , very responsible or life or mental maturity . The wheel of fortune is on the 7th house , so the relationships, associations or societies , tend to be very lucky or successful . The Sun and the Moon are in square Neptune is expected so that tends to psychological problems , disappointments , depression, anxiety , tendency to escapism for escapism negligence or mentally, with drug and alcohol excesses , deceptions or disappointments trends partner , separation by this cause. Pluto and Venus are in conjunction , making that large mobilizations of people, or large mass actions of people or peoples , politics on the one hand can be benefited by this conjunction, can carry out new projects that are planned in bulk. But on the other side of Uranus squaring may indicate higher mass actions by people or peoples social or spiritual problems , so that may have also revolts or reforms in spiritual or religious groups . They can produce earthquakes , volcanic eruptions, large mobilizations of water, heavy rains , high tides , floods, etc. .

For different signs :

Aries is likely to be in a time of social revolution or not adaptive or non-acceptance of the social and economic situation , need to change religious or spiritual level .

Taurus continues with memories or contact with the past, is likely to start acting in life with renewed strength . You have to be careful with female relationships or social situations . Deceptions and disappointments .

Gemini good time to resolve legal situations , and good time with the money issue .

Cancer good time to resolve issues of home and family, possibility of selling or renting homes .

Leo 's finances are fine-tuning , a good time to fully express the personality and creativity , luck in gambling . Good situations with children.

Virgo good time work, family , the couple and strong sexuality.

British should try to keep their work as is . The situations may not be the best , or that can not control situations .

Scorpio good time in the area of ​​social partner and what luck generally eye with delusions or liars or flatterers .

Sagittarius profound changes ahead, you probably need new lenses in the spiritual , cultural , or changes in the study or school. Travel.

Capricorn, a good side dish or solve time to love situations , social , or occupation . You probably have strong opponents or opposing face.

Aquarius many social activities and many friends around him, possibility of parties or social gatherings . Clear goals .

Pisces is likely to be alone or feel unsupported or company, or disappointments disappointments , betrayals .

Ricardo M. Zani Astrologer

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