This conjunction Saturn - Venus is quite deep, because the planet of karma, righteousness, steadfastness, firmness, awareness by experience, experience the harsh reality meets the love, peace, beauty, creativity through art and sentimental, musical expression, etc. They make a unique blend of highly durable romantic relationships, especially older people, or more or people of different ages, is responsible, true, capable of anything, with constancy and seriousness, aware of the reality around love. Both generate a constructive capacity unusual, especially for engineers, builders and architects, where projects require perseverance, beauty, creativity, and long lasting. children born these days will be skilled builders and artists, with a weird magnetism mixture of seriousness and joy, very concentrated and self-centered, very correct in his actions. Saturn corrects the crazy act of venus, and stops with the seriousness and severity of life, and venus brings warmth to the deep cold of Saturn. Both have to do with time, so this may be brewing new projects, in which the time-consuming and seriousness constancy, and love. This conjunction in inharmonious with Neptune, which may be generated insecurity, strong negative emotions, depression,pose are very deep about love and life, pose about reality, and many disappointments, disappointments, and realizations about relationships human. They can cause physical, emotional, astral, psychic problems, birth charts to
RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer