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08 de Enero, 2016    General

Capricorn New Moon 09/01/2016

This New Moon occurs in Capricorn in the 5th house, so creativity, finance, the issue of children, and self-expression. This conjunction Sun - Moon accompanies Pluto, so the concentration is very strong, observation, reforms, profound change, a lot of concentration and good memory. These are good times for those who are in politics and which require much social magnetism, and material. Good time for stage actors, TV, movies, etc. It is good time for construction and for architects, because the ruler of Capricorn, which is Saturn continues in conjunction with Venus, both serve to the subject of art to build and to last for long, I think it should not make any construction without a good contact between these two planets. The feelings are deep, serious, stable, constant, which can connect people different ages, and stay for long. You can continue the problems with the weather, with heavy rains, floods, storms, large mobilizations of water, earthquakes, large explosions, attacks of all kinds, much violence, etc.For different signs:Aries changes and tensions are in the area of ​​the couple, need a lot of independence, individuality, little patience, need to renew the feelings to feel truly alive.Taurus is a good time to make major changes, perhaps a journey is an excuse to start the changes. The spiritual path can also generate changes. Good time for athletes.Gemminis apply pressure situations, but they have many good prospects for success in the profession, and achieve goals that have been postponed for too long.Cancer emotions are stable, goals can be brewing good level, some changes may be caused by children or pregnancies. Pose very profound about life.Leo walk with one hand loner tendencies, or want to disconnect from others, but on the other hand accompanies the wheel of fortune, so there are things we can achieve or accomplish with an extra touch of luck.Virgo Neptune's opposition makes that are very sensitive and strong disappointments, insecurity at all, but the conjunction of Jupiter with the North Lunar Node is opening doors that would never imaginago, large-scale achievements, and even get them a couple of target, target achievements.Libra changes come under pressure, there may be good achievements of money or material things, but beware of treachery or deceit trade.Scorpio tensions may be legal, or brothers or relatives type, but are all very strong in their convictions sexual magnetism, strength, inner strength, and.Sagittarius strong emotional stability, construction plans or long-term restructuring, control feelings, serious, responsible, constant love, and durable. Some disappointments or disappointments. not use alcohol and drugs as a source of escape from reality, because you can become dependent.Capricorn changes can be so profound that can make a big difference in direction in life, greater control objectives, achievements of money, success at work, including whether to have children or that new members are added to the family.Aquarius good time labor, tensions with siblings or relatives, the couple good time, love, and social activities.Pisces side for a good time in the area of ​​social partners and, on the other hand tend to be alone or away from others, you may feel abandoned or misunderstood.By birth charts to

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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