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03 de Octubre, 2012    General

Saturn in Scorpio 10.05.2012

The entry does Saturn in Scorpio in the 5th house, the house almost 6, in good aspect with Neptune, Pluto and Venus, and Mercury conjunct. Saturn Lord of Karma and time, the seriousness and righteousness, in Scorpio makes things hidden or typical tendency to hide this sign be removed or structured, and taught to act a bit more direct and without secrecy. But many will use this great power double quality to new situations or planning structure associated to power, or to manage mass of people or large corporations, and international politics and political high will be supported or benefited by this entry of Saturn Scorpio. For some there will be a gradual growth in the political, economic, and large scale enterprise. It may also be the case of the appearance of a great politician and international statesman, lasting many years in management and can lead to large changes in policy or international structure. Will face a crisis in the workplace, and large mobilizations of people to protest, and with a very revolutionary climate, globally. The situation in the world with earthquakes, wind, water demonstrations, and all kinds of bad will in action for many years making it difficult to manage the overall political situation in the transit of Saturn through Scorpio. It is likely that the death of several international political leaders, giving the possibility to generate new policies, or it may be highly structured political fall who do not accept the need to change at all levels, and that the world situation requires it. It may be the case that there overthrowing presidents or kings, not wanting to create change. And with the ability to generate violent accionares, carrying many deaths. It may be that the world's climate situation also act as destructive mass of people, and to act aya great unity to resolve the situation that exists. Saturn in Scorpio will be until December 2014, generated a drastic and profound, but is presented as a restorer of the situation rather than a destroyer.

RICARDO ZANI astrologer

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