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19 de Marzo, 2015    General

Pisces New Moon 20 -3- 2015

This New Moon is in Pisces rising, making the optimism, the desire to act and desire to do everything, is most important, this day all the time before and following days are very complicated to astrological level; some people it will affect positively, and not others. The upward governing body and the expression of personality, or the way we express ourselves with others, The new moons produce changes or possibilities of starting something here in Pisces expression is reserved as the fears and insecurity, may be the reasons for inaction, also attacks phobia, feelings of loss, sadness, chances are strange emotions not know where they come from or appear you have, so they are special moments to analyze and look inside what needs to be resolved and face. We will have to take care of deceit and betrayal, many people literally lose scruples or conscience. You can follow international conflicts and problems with large heads, presidents and spiritual leaders. There are appearances of new leaders in economics, new benches and new business relationships in the world, new solutions. Start a new enrichment or money management worldwide.For different signs:Aries is a good time for solving economic situations, at this time have all the strength and optimism to achieve all, despite the profound changes taking stan. Good sexual magnetism.Taurus remain highly demanded by external and internal circumstances, the passage of Venus by its sign will bring some peace, love, popularity, and creative, special force for artists, musicians and singers.They gemminis home and family are the most important to resolve points, situations are presented with insecurity or low handling situations, but in labor and economics, there may be very good solutions or major accomplishments.Cancer children may be the biggest obstacles, but has the inner strength to handle the situation, good time for creativity and self-expression, good time for actors or artists.Leo although these days and these affect all have the help of Jupiter in your sign, which gives them the ability to expanción, and significant achievements, good time in labor, perhaps a promotion or a better position, bigger profits. Recovery in health.Virgo or is not free to the feeling of insecurity, melancholy, or disappointments, betrayals and eye with people of questionable actions. Ability to improve the situations of couple, for other possible legal divorce.Libra nevertheless, possibility of main succeed in their objectives, reorganize their lives, or reorder all, great changes, achievements in political, social, and spiritual, and the profession.Scorpio possibility of trips, many sports, and plenty of indoor activity, good time for students and teachers.Sagittarius on the one hand good chances in the labor area, profession, company, perhaps large-scale achievements, and secondly tendency to depression, loneliness, disappointments.Capricorn is likely to be hard pressed to level money and their projects, but this time the following months will be strengthened to be clear about The steering they really want, they are not times to definitely dicidir are to resolve and change what does not is in place or is unclear.Aquarius are as liabilities to the general situation, it is a time for resting and health check, maybe one important achievement of money, or the profession. Variations on emotions, sometimes very intense and other coolness.Pisces is a time of many changes, many, family, and career, want to put a lot of social pressure force on goals, but a strong sense of insecurity and doubt, loneliness, loss, or the feeling of being abandoned, have to decide to have your address to follow, ... may be the end of a cycle in their lives, or in the profession.RICARDO M. Zani I astrologoBy birth charts to
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