This conjunction of the lunar North Node Black Moon Lilith or in an opposed or contradictory situation, since Lilith belongs to the dark side of the moon, the South Lunar Node. North Lunar Node indicates things or most important objectives to which we project are the things we have not done and we as a constant projection. And Lilith are the negative things of personality, the dark things within us also betrayals and trends to get negative thoughts and even witchcraft.Both features together may indicate that you can be exposed to all sorts of negative situations, people who betray us, or we commit treachery, to attract evil alien, or live dark situations by the situation around us, may also be the case that You are making bad choices of goals to follow, or bad choices of people you are relating, which can be very negative and even devastating, then you have to be very careful with whom it relates, what kind of people around us to Let's go not in a negative or harmful direction. We will have to take into account these days, days before and days after that the situation does not surprise us and lead us to chaos, especially for poor choices. Paradoxically this combination has a positive aspect of the Wheel of Fortune, so there are things that can be saved or resolved, it may be the case that old negative situations come to an end and can be resolved, either at the level of disease situations labor, and economic situations.RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer. By birth charts to