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12 de Septiembre, 2015    General

Virgo New Moon 09/13/2015

This New Moon in Virgo is in the house 3, so the mental part, the analysis of things, the concrete mind and learning the details, studying, growing in knowledge. This in a very good start research projects, or to grow in knowledge, or to reach deep into the analysis of things and of themselves now, the fact is that you can get deep into the details, which at other times can not be reached, it is a good time for those in the area of research and science in general, especially those in the area of mathematics. Also those who write books have excellent moments of inspiration and achievements through his writings. Mars and Venus are in conjunction so that sexuality and love are in joint action, many relationships can take shape in these days by the intensity of the passions and the need to experience strong emotions and sex; Saturn is in conjunction inharmonious to it, and also with Jupiter, so can generate resentment, attitudes without thinking, defeatist attitudes, revenge, emotional coldness or loss of expression, economic problems or a strong feeling brake or internal frustration, may mean the stock market crash, a break from a bank or country, or financial institutions, or the end of a reign; or it can also cause falls, broken bones, calcification problems, kidney problems, liver, shock, etc. Pluto - Uranus - Mercury are inharmonious, this can generate all kinds of mental stress, stress, mental conflicts of any kind, insecurity, irrational nerves, thoughtless attitude, wanting to change things or situations and not power, problems with science, or projects failed scientists ated aircraft, etc.For different signs:Aries many tensions at home, work, family, moving house maybe forced, but very good situations in the area of ​​love and sexuality, perhaps wanting to renew their feelings, or to change the routine.Taurus good time to personal achievements, or renewing goals, conflicts can be in the couple, very demanding socially.Gemminis tensions can be physical, out of weakness or delay recovery, need to rest or take a few days of vacation.Cancer good time to act and make decisions, the wheel of fortune accompanies them. The changes may be required or high voltage. Tensions at home and the couple.I read a lot of intensity in all areas, especially in the sexual, the loving, and economic conditions, with a good chance, but with brakes or unexpected expenses.Virgo very good changes on the one hand, good time studies, research, financial things, good time for writers, perhaps spending per trip, or traveling on business.Libra many tensions for family or work situations, watch out for people who are related, possibility of deception or betrayal. Also watch out for fraudulent or indecent proposals.Scorpio conflict situations may be in the finance and children, love may be in conflict situations or frustrated temporarily, excesses or expenses.Sagittarius tensions may come from external situations, any major changes in labor, and improvement in health. Perhaps some passionate situation.Capricorn many tensions in the couple, or social conflict, solve things with family and work life, maybe job change.Forced to raise awareness of situations, many tensions in the couple, separatist tendencies or somehow do not feel you are getting what you need aquarium.Pisces are in a quiet moment, and hopefully a lot of intuition, good time to finish some studies, and have a long trip.RICARDO M. ZANI astrologerBy birth charts to
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