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18 de Noviembre, 2017    General

New Moon of Scorpio 11-18-2017

Trend for all signs:

Aries are very self-centered, very creative, with a lot of faith in their finances, they feel very independent towards current situations, those who have children is their current focus. Plans of trips or studies.

Taurus very demanded in every way, with good possibilities of work, but with future profits, next year the signs of land and water will be completely well aspected astrologically, come good times.

Geminis are more sociable, with well-defined goals, for some some possibility of a couple, with good proposals, travel plans and studies, achievements in teaching or teaching. Moments of a lot of passion.

Cancer played between many changes and demands, much social contact, partnerships or associations, are moments of much awareness, the waters and the earth help and accompany them.

Leo moment of many changes and new projections, are putting together very deep future things, take advantage now, because next year will not be as easy as until now. Many intense moments and passion. Ceres accompanies them in the projects.

Virgo this new moon benefits them enough, achievements in the labor, the profession, achievements of money, social achievement, general stability.

Libra keep their ideas and projects clear, perhaps some passionate relationships, full of human warmth, a lot of inner strength, decisions without fear, lots of action, sports, trips, etc.

Scorpio are the ones that are best favored, a lot of abundance, social and couple's achievements, for some a very deep love or relationship, based on love and spirituality, tend to be a bit lonely on the other hand, or to want to escape from external situations, very deep changes at a psychological and spiritual level. Very important achievements.

Sagittarius are wanting to get out of solitude, and the tendency to get away from others, mercury helps them reason a little more concretely situations, the heaviest of what they have been going is moving away, much negativity is going away, they will have a lot more security and stability in their objectives, and the wheel of fortune accompanies them, take advantage of these touches of luck.

Capricorn on the one hand good time to have material achievements or money, but on the other hand many expenses or demands, many disputes, many brakes, but many and good chances of achieving many things, do not expect much from the couple or sexuality, can have problems with children if you have them.

Aquarius on the one hand continue to review mistakes of the previous life, with very unusual situations, situations with siblings, or relatives, things to solve legal, good time for students, and those who are deciding careers, perhaps take as a career any It was in a previous life.

Pisces very good moment in every sense, good possibilities of social contact and couple, love and spirituality, is the beginning of many good things that are coming, for now very clinging to the home and family, expansion of goals, very good time to solve old problems, especially in the family.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer.By natal letters to

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