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16 de Enero, 2018    General

New Moon of Capricorn 16-1-2018

This New Moon of Capricorn is very important, because they are in conjunction with Venus and Pluto. Here in Capricorn changes or beginnings are slow, but with commitment, thinking about the future, and how the situation may be affecting us or affecting the future, with coldness, stability, with awareness, observation, patience, rectitude, etc. The conjunction of Venus associated with the New Moon, can generate profound changes at a social, cultural, sentimental and loving level, can make changes in a massive way, can make massive gatherings of people for the same purpose, political decisions can affect people in massive form, since the influence of Pluto adds the influence of power. From the individual point of view it can mean to generate great changes by own will, or inside strength, strength through the own conviction, own love, or passion, changes or force to change social situations, situations of couple or situations of love, decisions of decisions deep and very elaborate. Changes can produce important economic achievements, achievements in art, music, singing, social achievements, achievements in science, achievements in mathematics, engineering, construction, financial achievements, for some fame or social acceptance, achievements to through the profession or the company through the social, achievements in the mass sale. For some people it can mean a deep change at the psychological level, leave deep depressions, or find solutions to things that could not be solved, it is a good time to understand, solve and face deep psychological traps, which at other times could not be seen or understand. The astrological support of Jupiter and Mars to this quadruple conjunction, gives strength, optimism, conviction, muscular strength, sexual force, much desire to make trips or long trips, deepen knowledge, studies, have internal and external achievements, achievements in the spiritual area, sports, etc. In the area of the couple you can consolidate relationships that can be very durable, relationships based on a strong passion, love and sex, a strong male and female unity, here both forces are very strong and combined. The positive aspect of Neptune to Jupiter and Mars can mean having achievements in the area of the spiritual, the psychic, the perception, the intuition, astral travel, visions of the future, premonitory dreams, for some people it can mean spiritual awakening, or the awakening of spiritual powers asleep.For the different signs:

Aries are in a very big demand, the pressure of the environment can lead them to stress, tensions due to health issues or family members.

Taurus has almost everything in favor, land and water help, good time to do, achieve, solve, act, achieve, renew, live fully.

Geminis good time to make long trips, but you can not expect too much of them, with probability of achievements in the profession or important achievements in general.

Cancer very pressed in every way and in all areas, although the goals remain clear, seems to be all against, situations can be extreme in every way, the pressure can come through the children.

Leo the goals can be submitted to the personal world, and not leave there, the objectives are not comprehensive. They feel that they are alone in their things, or on the other hand they do not want to involve others in their things.

Virgo are somewhat more positive, situations help them, there is a better position in all areas, the wheel of fortune accompanies them, there is a physical and psychological improvement.

Libra the requirement is quite large, very pressured on all sides, there is a huge influence astral brake, but have the inner strength to move forward, perhaps significant gains of money or improvement in the material area.

Scorpio great strength, lots of energy, great will, good time for athletes, students, travelers or travelers, people who are in the area of ​​the psychological, doctors, etc. Muscle and sex . 

Sagittarius may take advantage of the energy forces of these days, although it does not reach them directly, but they can act with a lot of positivity, achievements in the family, improvement with siblings.

Capricorn is the epicenter of all astrological strength, concentrates all the potential, emotional, sexual, social, political, cultural, loving, creative, endless opportunities and potentials.

Aquarius as well as Sagittarius can take advantage of all these energy influences and make them positive and channel them in their direction, they have the particular intelligence of their sign to do it. Good job opportunities.

Pisces excellent moment in every way, all energies are in your favor, take advantage now, that the waters and the lands help. Possibility of deepening in love or partner, good social and cultural moment.

By natal charts at

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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