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31 de Enero, 2018    General

Full Moon of Aquarius 31-1-2018

This full Moon of Aquarius is very significant, due to the number of planetary aspects, and astrological situations. The Sun is conjunct Venus, and both in conjunction with the South Lunar Node, and on the other side the Moon is on the opposite side in conjunction with the North Lunar Node, this can mean the end of a life process and the beginning of Another, it can also mean that things that in the past have been done with serious errors, with many obstacles or important brakes, are being finalized or finished, especially in the area of social, love, cultural, creativity, art, contact with others, the relationship with children, their own independence, or acting only for themselves, changing it with the need to relate or connect with others, or the need for deep love. It may be the case that old love relationships appear as possibility or renewed, or the possibility of new social contacts is given or that the objectives are associated with contact with others or popularity. It may be the case that you can become aware of the mistakes that have been brought from the past, and even errors of previous lives, also the possibility of finding a partner that was a love in a previous life, and produce a great change in every way , is to take into account this day and the following days. Jupiter would be inharmonious to the Lunar Nodes, the Moon, the Sun, and Venus, this may mean that you want to achieve great things, but you do not have the resources, the sufficient strength, or the right direction, many things may be become unattainable, it is advisable not to make long trips, or not expect too much of these, or want to achieve things associated with the foreigner. Saturn and Lilith continue in conjunction, so do not expect something positive from politicians or international politics, because surely something dark is brewing. Uranus is inharmonious to Pluto and Mercury, so great controversies or diplomatic tensions are expected, and tensions with the money issue, social and legal problems with the money issue, can come to gestate in these, important economic conflicts. Unthinking attitudes of financial and banking entities.

For the different signs:

Aries tensions of all kinds, uncertainties, legal problems, problems in breathing and nervous system, goals that are difficult to achieve, strong struggle to become independent, economic problems. Renovations in the theme of love, perhaps take new directions, new directions in life, both in the area of money and in the area of love.

Taurus may feel that everything is slowed down, but it is for a short period of time, they may have a couple crisis, or crisis in some sense, the trips do not help to give solutions or rest.

Geminis good family moment, there may be very positive changes both in the economic, as sentimental, may have expected achievements for a long time.

Cancer may be the tensions and obstacles of these days reach them, perhaps unexpected situations or difficult to solve, very complicated things, with added tensions, are not the best times, but very positive situations for this year.

Leo may be that the most important situations are associated with his personality and the situation with the children if they have them, new and renewed projects, important achievements of destiny, for some destiny pregnancies, achievements in art or creativity in general. Achievements in the workplace.

Virgo many tensions in the workplace, health problems, liver problems, there may be a big change in the sentimental area, the wheel of fortune accompanies them in the area of the couple, love, and social achievement. Disappointments accompanied by sentimental joys.

Libra is no stranger to the tensions of the day, and to the possibilities of relationships associated with the past, perhaps important changes in the sentimental and economic area. Achievements in the social area.

Scorpio need to make big changes, but for now it is somewhat slowed down, the course to follow is not clear, but ambition is present, they will soon have everything in their favor.

Sagittarius this full moon helps them in every way, and with great inner strength, without fears, strength, and eager to do everything, achievements in the area of money and profession, perhaps an important love relationship associated with the past.

Capricorn is likely to feel very pressured by situations, legal problems, tensions of all kinds, eye with scams or commercial deception.

Aquarius the change can be very deep, changes in goals, changes in the area of love or love relationships, love with someone from the past. Social and economic achievement. Solutions of very complex things.

Pisces situations affect them indirectly, but their sensitivity is at full, they may feel vulnerable or they can not handle the situations fully, but indirectly, or that others act as intermediaries. Sense of loneliness or not be fully understood or supported.

By natal letters to

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer.

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