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28 de Diciembre, 2016    General

New Moon of Capricorn 12/29/2016

Aries everything related to work and health is the most preponderant at this time, stress problems are deep, which can cause problems in the liver, lungs, and bones. On the other hand there are as new job opportunities or way of earning money, perhaps new employment contracts, a tendency to increase social relations, and the most important are love, which can change your life, with possibilities of coexistence.Taurus good moment of changes in social, cultural, and in the relationships of couple, very deep love of couple, maybe wanting to change things at home and family. New plans to make money, maybe a new optician or direction. Reactivation in the sexual, perhaps contact with someone of the past. He may suffer from some treachery.Gemini tensions are loosening of a little, need to change or renew their life, much analysis about the personal situation. There is much possibility of improving social relations, relationships, individualism in the work, or independently.Cancer good moment in the spiritual, it is good time for students to increase their knowledge. You probably have a great change of attitude toward life in general. Many possibilities of travel, and much mobility in general. Good time for athletes.I read good moment of personal achievements, successes in the profession, or in the company or the work, it is probable that the couple or the amorous relationships are in conflict, and want to define the coexistence. There may be a change in the work, due to having to attend other situations. Children can be a factor of change.Virgo is an excellent moment in every sense, the goals or the paths open their way, achievements for students, economic achievements for the elderly, new world, new optics, successes.Libra to one side there are possibilities to expand knowledge, and solve internal situations, solve psychological problems, and on the other hand chances of solving money problems, or labor, there may be problems at work or with people at work. Possibilities of relationships and even coexistence, and also relationships in hidden form.Scorpio the wheel of fortune accompanies them, new personal projections, better internal and external attitude. But take care of the treachery. Maybe I re-encounter with past couple relationships. Change can be very important, and good time for students, and those who investigate things.Sagittarius the brakes have left momentarily, everything is presented with stability, rawness, seriousness, deep realism. They are likely to have much stability in the economic or commercial, some income of money, firmness in decisions. Maybe some very serious love, and coexistence.Capricorn changes are very deep, plagued by new situations, new beginnings, possibilities to study or have achievements in studies. Achievements in the area of money.Aquarium situations in the home or family or home, are the most important to solve. Perhaps a loving relationship that is defined or want to be defined, with possibilities of coexistence. Much social contact. New job possibilities, achievements in the area of money.Pisces is improving the situation in the personal, sexual, social, there can be very important changes in every sense, situations with children are most important, contacts with people who were in contact in the past, perhaps to reactivate their own potential. Improvement in mood, higher optimism and good possibilities of exit to old problems.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer.

By natal letters to

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