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12 de Enero, 2017    General

Full moon of Capricorn 12-1-2017

Aries are a very complicated days, a lot of tension, it can indicate a forced moment of reforms or changes, perhaps changes in the work or the work attitude, or having to temporarily leave the job or the profession due to health problems or travel, It may also be the case of having to travel to another place for a new job, or for studies, or having to make changes to finish the studies.Taurus, the situation benefits them in the situations of the home, in the work, in the economic, social, a better balance of life, what can weigh more is the family past.Geminis the major situations revolve through children, finances, creativity, and personal expression, much demanded in the area of money, with probabilities of long trips, achievements in studies or teaching. Good timing for athletes, but they should not be overly demanding because they do not have all the potential for strength. Highly demanded in their goals.Cancer is highly demanded in the area of work, perhaps the end of a process in the workplace and the beginning of another, or the need to change your life, especially the workplace, travel or situations forced or not produced by itself , Or do not depend on themselves, take great care of health, because they can be exposed to any disease because of weakness or low immune system, problems with the liver, lungs, pancreas, or heart.Leo the wheel of fortune accompanies them, so luck will give them an extra that despite all the issues, they can use to get ahead. Good moment in the social and the theme of the couple, with some interesting proposals. There is something that can not be fully dealt with either from the psychological or from money situations.Virgo are good times to build and organize your life with greater freedom or self control, the winds help them, good time to put their inner power in action, tendency to have a new society, or take control of some, will tend to end many Things that no longer have the weight of before, the changes can be drastic and total.Libra is no stranger to the great square that is on this day, much pressure everywhere, both psychologically,work, health, but Jupiter can give them expansion, long journeys, achievements in studies, new projects for the future, May be the end of long locks that has been bringing for a long time.Scorpio this full moon can give them a touch of long-awaited successes or achievements, success in the profession, social ascension, stability in general, but they must remain attentive to the negative people that surrounds them, by tendency to betrayals and also to commit them.Sagittarius are taking a very deep strength and rectitude, structuring a greater strength, will be strengthened much more than in the past, Jupiter's support gives them an extra chance to make a better future, some money problems that will be solved later, Some problems with bones, spine, or calcification.Capricorn tendency to be lonely or distant from others, or somehow others do not understand or do not commit to help them, somehow are dissociated from situations, but continue with much inner strength and capacity for reforms and strength of Will, with some economic luck, or solutions of money or materials.Aquarius a lot of inner strength and impulsiveness, a lot of determination and individualism, strong reactions to the external, they feel if they were in a funnel of situations, things to choose, perhaps the choice between the couple or what is wanted independently.Pisces continue the strong oppositions or contradictions, things in profound opposition, obstacles with the family or the objectives, good moment in the economic, good possibilities of achievements of money or material things. A lot of internal strength to cope with situations, the past condemns them, a good moment in the sexual and love situations, maybe encounter someone important from the past very important, love and sex combined, with good material situations.For birth certificates to

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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