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14 de Febrero, 2018    General

New Moon of Aquarius 15-2-2018

This New Moon of Aquarius is very intense, full of situations and tensions. The Sun and the Moon are in conjunction with Mercury, making the Aquarian intelligence is increased and concentrated, making the concrete reasoning is used in matters of creativity, invention, writing, science, art, research, electronics, computing, transmission of information, travel, and issues associated with the future, visions, conscious mental journeys, etc. The positive support of Uranus to this conjunction increases the levels of creativity and future much more, there may be a great change in the religions, or in some religious leader, or wanting to generate some change have a great controversy, or opposition, or some internal or external situation can produce some change in the social or spiritual area. Venus and Neptune are already in conjunction of approach, this can produce a tendency to deep love, idyllic love, love of art, painting, film, perception, intuition, etc., but the theme is that this conjunction is inharmonic with Mars, causing it to generate conflicts in this area, romantic and sexual disappointments, the use of sex as escapism, not being able to integrate deep feelings, tendency to betray or deceits of couple, double relationships, hidden relationships, tendency to betrayals, scams, sexual problems, problems due to infections or viral diseases, infections or virus proliferation, mass deaths, bleeding, deaths due to coma, excesses of drugs and alcohol, acts in total unconsciousness, deaths of many children, loss of stock market values, etc.

For the different signs:

Aries tends to make great reforms, both on the mental plane and on the spiritual plane, it may be that a trip will produce significant changes, or an event in his life will produce a change in the spiritual area. Travel, sports, and activities in the area of knowledge. Good time for students and teachers.

Taurus many tensions, both in the workplace and in the legal area, some change forced on their way of thinking or solve their things. However you can have significant achievements in the profession or in the commercial area, important money winnings.

Geminis goals remain firm and clear, health problems, solutions to legal problems, perhaps for some achievements in the area of studies, solutions to personal problems especially in the mental or psychological area. Achievements in the area of science and mathematics. Travels.

Cancer may feel a little lonely, pressured by situations, problems with children if you have them, solutions of homey things, body weakness. The wheel of fortune accompanies them for their personal achievements.

Leo are rearranging their life and their projects, important money achievements, destination achievements, many legal issues or situations at home, excessive expenses, problems in the area of the couple, perhaps you want to return to old sentimental relations.

Virgo achievements in the economic area, perhaps new curricula, or continuation of the same, disappointments, disappointment, problems by intoxications, eye with drugs and alcohol, because the excesses can be serious.

Libra good time for students, and solutions of legal or financial nature, disappointment, but some intense sexual relationship. Tendency to some relationship of the past that did not work.

Scorpio solutions of situations of home and family, but some situation of legal conflict, or problems to continue studying, or achieve new mental or structural objectives. In the sentimental area, it may tend to find greater depth in feelings, and in intuition or perception.

Sagittarius situations with children and health, are the most important situations. He must take care of the problems of intoxication, alcoholism, drug, etc, because he can have serious problems. Tendency to the problems of situations in the sexual and sentimental area, disappointments, or just want to use sex as a means and deceive the other or another sentimentally. Take care of problems due to viruses or infections.

Capricorn the central focus is in the area of work, on the one hand very demanded, slow but constant, with a serious structure well calculated. Tendency to betrayals, or to have negative situations, or to have negative friendships. A stable love relationship.

Aquarius tend to relate to someone associated with the past, or with the need to resolve old situations or loves. The changes of this New Moon can lead you to make very big reforms, both in the mental, legal, or direction in life, new goals, travel, studies, achievements in science or technology. Changes in the family.

Pisces should take great care in health, not use drugs or excesses of alcohol, because it can be serious. Take care of viruses or poisonings. Loves that can end in disappointment, love relationships that do not receive what is expected, problems in the sexual area.

By natal letters to

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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