The Moon when in conjunction with Neptune, produces deep emotions, increases intuition, imagination, also the tendency toescape reality, also to try to resolve things that are hidden in the unconscious, is special for all
you type in the spiritual work, such as astral travel, mediumship, perception, clairvoyance, etc..
This conjunction is square to the Lunar Nodes, square Venus, andMars opposition.
As I said days ago it was still happening critical situations, both socially and economically and politically. They may have great tensions in international politics.
And great stress because of problems with the weather,earthquakes, high winds, heavy rain, etc..
You can be the end of a political and economic system, it will bebrewing new directions in international politics.
Continue the possibility of collapse or death of an important politician. We will have to be aware of the deceptions and betrayalsof all kinds.
Family institutions are in crisis.
And the tendency to escapism through drugs will be full.
Viral diseases and psychological will increase, suicidal anddepressed.
RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
For tasting native to zanimiguel9 @ gmail. Com