The combination is produced in house 7, almost 8 in Aries, in dissonant aspect with Pluto, very close to the Sun Mercury has todo with the rational, analytical learning, conscious mind, inquiry, research , etc. Uranus has to do with the universal brotherhood,science and technology, the individual or
independent. This combination gives a deep, analytical mind,strong-science research and humanitarian. Aries makes the mindvery focused, very strong action,
determination, without fear, with security than it has determined to do, and sometimes unscrupulous, or destructive tendencies, or to impose its will by force or ideas. The square Pluto causes are extreme or extremist rebellions, revolutions can produce turbulentsocial mobilization, a major non-conformity expressed in riots, in which the ideas are not heard, then drives the violence. May causenervous system problems, stress, respiratory problems, headaches, hyper sensitivity, excessive criticism, relationship breakdown, especially families and couples. Perhaps a situationthat can not maintain the connection between the family and the couple, or can not do the two things are or are in harmony.
Ricardo Zani astrologer
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