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20 de Marzo, 2012    General

Aries New Moon 03/22/2012

This new moon occurs in house 8, almost 9 in conjunction with Uranus and Mercury, with inharmonious aspects of Pluto, Saturn and Moon Marte.Las new force tend to give a home, or renewal, or beginning. In the beginning of Aries is made with more force or energy that the other signs, with more conviction and strength to fight. And sex can almost always be involved in the action. Mercury adds more knowledge, rationality, concentration and observation of the details, but little patience with Aries
have. Uranus adds greater humanity, strength, independence, intelligence, knowledge, and in Aries increases the action.Inharmonious aspects may give the impression of excessive nervousness, anxiety, or urgent things, but with doubt or insecurity, with the possibility of coercion or require others, or situations
tend to demand a reform extremely or change, because you can not maintain the status quo. This can mean big mobilizations of people, protests or coups, acts of war, extremist activity, explosions, attacks, etc.. There may be a great crak in international politics, and in some
countries, deep internal crisis. You can be the downfall of another political leader or economist. Military actions can result in tensions between countries. You may assassinate a president or governor, or run a great danger. There may be plane crashes, or major accidents. Also great earthquakes, and winds
For the different signs:
Aries is a dual situation, a very strong hand, like making and renewing all, want to act, walk, explore, relate, and on the other, wanting to throw everything out the window, little patience, you gaingo to somewhere else, etc.. You may feel caged, or depressed, or braking, on the whole situation, and all can take to act and make big changes, all or nothing.
Taurus has everything to gain, is a very good time, since Jupiter
and Venus in Taurus, stay at home 10, the success, so it's
time to take advantage of this great good fortune. Possibility of marriage,
or great love. Social and material success. Possibility of long journey, or
foreign trade.
Gemini also has the ability to achieve great things and realize their old acentar or goals, to realize things planned in the past.
Cancer is as busy rearranging their goals and their environment, need to rest or take longer to himself, to order inside and out of the wear of human relationships.
Leo's like watching and observing, and then act, feels he has the strength and security to do so. The wheel of fortune accompanies them for a touch of extra luck.
Virgo is like a field of different situations on the one hand it can provide endless possibilities, whether sexual, labor, social, etc, and plenty of other choices to resolve conflicts, and also problems of disease.
Libra is no exception or outside the conficts of this day, tensions or problems enfermadad may be present. Perhaps many doubts about his life and his relationship with the environment. Many family situations. Studies.
Scorpio feels the need to shelter in place or home, or keep her family together, he feels he is not giving them the time they need.We are focusing a lot in itself.
Sagittarius is rearranging or organizing your life, and in these days the family and the children take center stage, perhaps situations with the possibility of pregnancy, or being a grandparent. Perhaps some stroke of luck.
Capricorn does not escape the situation of this day, perhaps the focal point are the sons and finance, will be able to handle situations that somehow become critical. Finances may have unexpected positive turn. But try not to travel on these days, because they can be very negative.
Aquarius social and labor relations are the most important point.You may need a new job, especially related to the social. You will probably find a couple in the area of ​​work, possible great love.
Pisces natural intuition she has, that can lead to finding a partner with same qualities, but with some independence. The social, cultural, acting, and music can be at its maximum capacity. be especially careful with health, and not to use drugs or alcohol, they can be very harmful in these days.
RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
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