Mars the action, force, energy of life, sexuality, mixed with reasonableness and concrete thinking, giving force action, passion and enthusiasm. Although Pisces is more subtly, sensory and reserved. Pisces and Neptune give sensitivity, intuition, depth, and almost unequaled insight from the mental standpoint, because Mars and Mercury together represent the head and mind. It's a great time for artists, writers, sculptors, painters, and all who are in art in general. It is remarkable also for psychologists and all those in the area of research in all branches of science. The positive aspects of Saturn and Pluto, give even greater certainty, security, stability, and depth in the objectives. The negative aspect of Jupiter, may produce an excess of imagination, phobias, insecurity, sexopatías extreme violations, infections of all kinds, viral infections, liver problems, circulatory, venous, headaches, fevers, etc.. Death by exsanguination or comatose. There may be large mobilizations of water, floods, high tides, volcanic eruptions, etc..
RICARDO ZANI astrologer
For charts to zanimiguel9@gmail.com