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21 de Agosto, 2017    General

Leo New Moon 21-8-2017

This New Moon is quite important because of the great astrological influence it has, coupled with a total eclipse that will be seen in many places of the North emisphere especially. One of the things is that it is in conjunction with Mars and the North Lunar Node, as the North Lunar Node has to do with the most important projects in life, are the things that you want to achieve, achieve or solve from the past, or from A previous life, then this new Moon can generate a great change in the goals of the people in general, make a great change of direction, whether caused by the same people, or produced by the external or alien to themselves, either By political, environmental, economic, telluric situations, etc. It is itself a moment of great decision, and Mars gives it strength of character and force of action and decision, internal force and out of fear, without hesitation, with a strong conviction, and from another point of view can mean the beginning or the End of a relationship based on the sexual or the ambitions, giving the possibility to change the attitude, or change of relationship for another different or with more affinity. This conjunction is supported by Saturn on one side, Uranus on the other, giving it constancy, serenity, dynamism, strength of endurance, patience, ingenuity, creativity, intelligence, invention, etc. Jupiter is also in a positive aspect to this conjunction, giving it expansion, luck, positivity, spirituality, greatness, etc. Negative aspects of the day are the conjunction of Saturn with Lilith or Black Moon, which is also inharmonious with Neptune, which can be all kinds of betrayals, dark political forces, or very negative decisions that can complicate all humanity, can Be extreme negative factors, but from the positive point of view, it may be that Saturn shows the reality of political negativity that may be brewing or what is being done from before, and give new guidelines to follow, because the course that is Can be very destructive. The other negative aspect is Jupiter, Pluto, Venus and Uranus, which are inharmonious, making resources not reach, falsehood can be a big factor, scams, the stock market crash, bankruptcy or financial institutions, Crisis in international politics, etc., if you do not see these days you will see through the following months, until the next eclipse of the Moon that gives new guidelines.

For signs:Aries on the one hand are with all the strength and energy to achieve their goals, good time with children and finances, possibility of travel, are structuring a new course or destination much clearer and more stable. Perhaps tensions with the couple, or separatist tendencies. Travel of one of the children if you have them. Renewed sex. Achievements in studies and sports. Maybe they are inventing or solving something important.

Taurus may feel like something slowed down or they do not fully find the direction to follow, perhaps the statements of these days lead them to reflect and want to react in some way to find greater stability. The mind may be clear, and the feelings too, may be deepening in a relationship based on love.

Gemini on the one hand a good time to structure, build, or achieve things that at another time are more difficult to achieve, much strength inside, achievements in the work, physical recovery. Many intense emotions and passions. They may be feeling that things do not fully materialize or that they feel an instability that does not go away for now, but will be withdrawing from A little as the months go by.

Cancer good moment in social, cultural, a lot of contact with people, good relationships in the couple or sentimental, maybe some sentimental differences can make situations of estrangement. If someone achieves some fame can be with harmful or negative effects. Maybe legal issues with the couple. It may also be the case of wanting to formalize a relationship that is established previously, but with quarrels or controversies.

Leo the changes and the situations can be with a profound change, a sooner or later, they recover a lot of inner strength, and the goals are much clearer, there is a new and renewed horizon. Possibility of travel, sports, studies, new relationships, or greater intensity in the current relationship.

Virgo very good chances of success in the profession, in the work or in the trade, good chances of a better position in the work. Travel, studies, research. Maybe some feelings of insecurity or lack of resolution of things.

 Libra good time for success or success in all areas, achievements in the profession, work, or commerce, new ways of seeing your life and projecting it, expansion of goals, inner strength. The popularity will not be present, and perhaps some problems of a sentimental type, tensions in the couple.

Scorpio situations put pressure on them, they are slowed in many ways, or the roads do not finish opening, but soon they begin to see new situations. The goals are clear, but with few resources or possibilities to solve them fully.

Sagittarius is the one that has to take care in every way, situations do not help, there may be dark things or difficult situations, they are as if they are self-absorbed and cost them the full expression, and eye with the betrayals and the negative people or Harmful.

Capricorn has the wheel of fortune that accompanies them, a better optimism, may be that relationships are in trouble or with little integrity, work or situations tends to distance them, or not have full contact. Maybe some money accomplishments or material possessions.

Aquarius good moment in the area of money and material possessions, material independence, they may be achieving things that they could not accomplish much. Sentimental and sexual passions can disturb you a lot, because it takes you out of the direction you want to follow, or it may be the case that the couple is demanding more of what they want or can give.

Pisces may feel a little alone or with little support from the family or social environment, anguish for memories, legal situations to solve, and eye with betrayals, because they can be very deep, and disappointments as well.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer.

By natal letters to

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