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05 de Agosto, 2013    General

Leo New Moon 08.06.2013

This New Moon in the 5th house, Leo's, so the values ​​and potential of Leo will be increased or exacerbated, as the ability to control or driving, I strongly, proudly or personality, or do things for personal pride. Also the need to balance the financial and creative forces. As is square to the lunar nodes, it is likely that the balance of personality and the way forward is uncertain, or somehow tend to want to find a better course, since the current is not according to what is needed . The direction of the world economy will be in a way like that, uncertain, or who do not know what direction to point. May indicate the end of a way of directing the world economy and trade or particular countries, and also personally. The power in the world will still be affected by the situation created by the conjunction of Jupiter, Mars, Lilith, who are inharmonious with Pluto and Uranus, which are producing all kinds of disharmony in the face of the earth, both politically , economic, and climate and telluric situations. You may be strong situations of wars, revolutions and social attacks, bomb blasts of all kinds. Volcanoes and earth will fail in doing the same. From the physiological point of view, it will tend to sexual problems, headaches, liver problems, respiratory, excess energy and fevers, lung or breathing problems, radiation problems, heart problems and of course, typical Leo. As I have said before, the politicians will be seriously in crisis, and the possibility of many falls of political leaders, and the emergence of new leaders harder or much stricter in their actions, because the situation requires it.

For different signs:

Aries will feel the feeling of wanting to get away from the others, perhaps to loosen tensions, however you can find new answers to your life. The Ferris wheel will give a plus of luck or help.

Taurus will feel a bit like in the air, waiting for things to be still and then act.

Gemini nevertheless may be resolving legal situations and money, luck with money.

Cancer is very troubled, and very focused on helping your family, you may get good resources, and have a lot of strength to act.

Leo is as aimless, it is likely that the situation will try to remove its power usual, these situations will give a profound change.

Virgo and social work are helping you, you are likely to encounter a great love in his way. Achievements in profession.

Libra is no stranger to the current situation, so it is likely to be fluctuating like everything, but possibility of working with many people, and the possibility of love or marriage.

Scorpio you may be making things that was waiting to reach, stability is the best you can be living, couple wedding destination and possibility.

Sagittarius good time for change, and have more control of themselves, and the ability to travel. Good time for teachers or students.

Capricorn is likely to be in a very complex, first you manage the possibility of large-scale achievements in the profession, and to see a deep crisis or be pressured by all, especially the family. Possibility of new partner or a great love.

Aquarius good time to redirect their goals and to encausarlas. Situation is likely to lead them to have to put all his wealth to get out and walk.

Pisces although with all your intuition and at full capacity, it is likely that the situation will lead them to know their true potential.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

By birth charts to




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