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24 de Julio, 2014    General

Leo New Moon 07/26/2014

Leo New Moon 07/26/2014

This New Moon occurs in Leo, conjunct Jupiter on the 5th house, so it is very important for change that can occur in every way, a personal and impersonal, economic, spiritual, human, political, etc. level. It may indicate the birth or conception of children of good spiritual level, or special qualities, gifted or driving control people, prone to having to fight for higher ideals. Conjunctions of the Moon with Jupiter tend to produce pregnancies, or pregnancies greater abundance, and in conjunction with the Sun the trend will be greater, but children of better quality or a higher level in every way. It may feel very strong optimism or luck may be coming to your door, also tend to attract new relationships, with strong unions. This triple conjunction is square Mars and Uranus, may indicate the forced change of a political, the fall and rise of political, renovations how to address the policy objectives, the pregnancy or birth of a child is a prince important, very ambitious and disease problems. You can also change the case of a head of the army, who may face a difficult situation, and even that may be involved in serious warfare. Also the birth of a child to be a great revolutionary leader or a great army. However this astrological situation may indicate problems by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, lots of fire, high winds, explosions, bombings, large riots, large-scale theft, fraud, a lot of violence, aggression, explosive tempers, etc.. 

For different signs: 

Aries is an observer, or will not take action, if you do do it in secret or hidden, do not want your objectives are known, its rebellion and desire to reform or change everything is intact as volcano explode. 

Taurus is with great optimism and strength of action, is very capable, and is likely to initiate new goals or new emotional and social relationships. The wheel of fortune accompanies. 

Gemini are living in a time and beyond all have good economic prospects and good relations with the family in general, are likely to be resolving legal problems. 

Cancer is under pressure from the family, a good chance to express your love to those around them, and establish new social ties and love. Chance of achievements in the profession. Chance of moving house. 

Leo's can be as big changes, which can be a before and an after, the gains can be large scale, in all areas of life. Women chances of pregnancy, you are giving birth, special children, difficult or complicated deliveries. 

Virgo good job opportunities, and recovery from illness. Are likely to be more picky than the ordinary or Perfectionists and Puritans. 

Libra good activation in the labor and social area, North Lunar Node here gives a good chance to organize their lives and have significant achievements, and also have new labor contracts. Good social relations. 

Scorpio begins to feel very renewed strength or the reunion of its inner power, the chances of couples renewing, and loving connections, emotional stability. Relationships with older people. 

Sagittarius New Moon the floods this new chance of success in their objectives, good time for sportsmen, travelers and those in the spiritual, very positive reforms, and the feeling that you can expand the horizon of possibilities, solutions legal problems and psychological problems. Long trips. 

Capricorn stable through sense, possibility of achievement in their profession and in their businesses. Chance of labor ascension recognition capacity. Achievements of power. Chance of a deep love that generates a wedding. 

Aquarius this full moon occurs on the opposite, so will be strongly required, but maintains its clear, strong goals, conflicts with his superiors. 

Pisces when I am good, good loving and social relations, but tend to be alone or try to have time alone to gather strength or rest, as wearing excessive social relations. Achievements in the profession. 

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer 

For inquiries 

  The awakening of consciousness 07/07/2014 - Being One 

  Transforming Emotions in Feelings      Without knowledge, not live 

  EGO transmute in Self-Esteem           Without understanding, I do not exist 

  Make life a conscious reality               Without love, I'm not

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