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18 de Febrero, 2012    General

Kristina Kirchner planetary transits 2012-2013

Kristina Kirchner planetary transits 2012-2013
I will start with the transit of Mars, and then the other planets. Virgo Mars is currently on his birthday, and transits into Pisces, on the birthday 2013. So you go from the deeply personal, family, children, the past, from all kinds of experiences, in which Mars will not give truce, reaching a maximum of action in his political career. Mars in Virgo gives you great strength of organization, and try to "clean up or purify" their environment of political relations, but in a much more direct than usual Pisces. The trouble with these days is that in the fourth house in Virgo is the Black Moon, and Mars will pass through there twice a day 3/24/2012, and the other on 05.06.2012, (and had been there on 24-11-2011) for this cause is likely to be involved in deep betrayals, or conflict situations, especially with your family or your in-laws, hence the drastic changes and reforms to make. Being in opposition to natal Sun is expected to be in a sensitive point bulnerable and some kind of plots. Mars enters the house 5 on 06/13/2012, feel stronger action, personal safety and the expressed strong convictions. Mars will enter your house 6 on 04/08/2012, increase their work activity. Mars will be on his natal Neptune on 8/13/2012, so I tend to circulatory problems, blood pressure, respiratory and kidney. Perhaps some deep disappointment with someone, and the separation of someone, perhaps linked to his cabinet.Perhaps some depressive tendency or concerns where to continue, or even continue. Mars will be on his natal Saturn on 08/19/2012, coinciding Saturn in transit will be there too, as it is in trine to the natal Sun, I think this time will be the zenith of his political or most fighting force, perhaps his political brightest. But political will face tough decisions, whether at international and national levels, will be a fortress of iron to act. It also suggests a strong association with an international policy. Mars will enter the house 7 on 09/10/2012, tend to increase their social relationships, but Mars here tend to produce to produce strong political and social opposition, many demonstrations against it. Mars will be at home 8 on 22.10.2012, will give much strength for action, bold, and handling situations. Mars will be conjunct his natal Pluto on 11/27/2012 at home 8, there may be an event that profoundly changed, either to his presidential term, or personal. This is a major point of management control, may have to resolve legal problems of any kind, international, national and personal. As he grows in power, is likely to grow competitions or demonstrations against his administration, this is a point of greatest risk for attacks. Mars will be at home 9 on 12/04/2012, activating more trips, and activities with foreign countries, and as always is likely to be confronted with a foreign country. Mars will reach its Lunar North Node 01/08/2013, will give a reunion with their inner power, skills and personal convictions, is likely to be planning new ways forward, both politically, and personally. Mars will reach its home 10 on 01.17.2013, here Mars have a maximum of political and economic achievements, and on the other side up political opposition. Mars will reach its natal Sun on 02.02.2013, there comes a conjunct Neptune in transit, will give greater strength and conviction in every sense, feel and intuition together strength.These days will be of much help in their decisions to follow. Jupiter is transiting through Taurus, in house 12, and will go up from there to the 23/03/2012, during the 12th house will give you the feeling of insecurity or that everything is dissipated or diluted, in addition to the opposition of Saturn in transit puts a major deterrent to its management. When your house fence 12 and enters the status change upward, safety will be emphasized, optimism, strength of action and greater physical recovery. Jupiter transiting natal Jupiter reaches the 04.04.2012, giving greater strength gains and expansion in every way, will be at a peak of possibilities in every way. With the possibility of many travels and contacts with foreign politicians and economists. You may have a great economic success. You may be able all those things that at other times could not reach. The bigger issue is that the issue should be reviewed liver. The Jupiter 17/04/2012 reach its natal moon will increase popularity and social magnetism, many trips, it's likely you're planning where to go and live in the future, perhaps buying property abroad. Should be reviewed by the pancreas, breast, and intestine. Saturn is in your house 6, home from work and health, which is what may be limiting in their health, but not in labor management, and will do so throughout 2012, will put a little brake and righteousness, you will feel a great height is politics, but Saturn always teaches you something. When you get home 7 on 2/14/2013, before his birthday, here you will see if what estubo doing was in the right direction, because at home 7 of the social and legal, will show that the response of the people who rule will be in support or social upheaval. Same pose is international in contact with their political peers. Here his conviction will be tested.Uranus is in your 11th house conjunct his natal Mars, this will produce significant irritability, little patience, constant tension, headaches, makes everything you want already, and reaches extreme points in his attitude, and even not accept other options than yours, but somehow gives an effect of increased fighting, and not to compromise on his convictions. The 11/27/2012 Mars will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn making a square to natal Mars and Uranus, this may indicate a crucial turning point in your life or career staff, here may be endangering their lives and their government. You can have accidents of all kinds, and will have to check your physical or health problems. Neptune is in the house 10, and his natal Sun is on the 02/22/2012, for quite some time, giving you a deep insight and clarity in all its actions, and will as a kind attached to your life, or a superior protection. Will be aided greatly by Neptune, and will give much greater prestige, social, political and economic. Spiritually, begin to find their inner world and its hidden capabilities. The thing about Neptune is that it must find where to hold back or be contained, and there is the main question .... The more you discover your ability to drive, you will feel more alone, for those who are with her, or understand their objectives, or fall short of its objectives. Pluto is transiting your 8th house for many years and remain there for many years, Pluto forces changes or reforms he is, so in the 8 psychological reform and relations with others is and will be permanent, meaning find the hidden power of self, and to express it externally, it will shown in action, and it is fully expressed this transit, and achieved everything it set out, and somehow try to continue with that attitude and posture. The square to Uranus can indicate disease problems and barriers to legal stuff. You can be the victim of plots or permanently locks must watch out for aircraft accidents, cars, electricity, etc.. As Pluto is transiting Capricorn, have strong political opposition, which will be loaded each time more tensions, to break out somewhere.
Ricardo Zani astrologer
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