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07 de Junio, 2013    General

Gemini New Moon 06.08.2013

This New Moon is in the 8th house of transformation and change them, along with Mars and Jupiter, making the promise of change, is fairly large, and large-scale, strength and expansion. Saturn-Mercury-Venus and Neptune, making a grand trine, this is an extraordinary time to go deep into feelings and psychologically, to resolve deep conflicts, and this influence gives a moment of deep inspiration in almost all areas, the psychology, construction and architecture, medicine, artists, singers, film and theater actors, science in general and those in the spiritual area also by the deep connection with the astral, righteousness , the rational and love. Maybe the negative aspects of not tarnish the positive day, and have been dragging astrological major crises or human from several years ago, and they will not close for now, but humans are doing for better or worse, our future, our decisions. There may be riots or social unrest or mass mobilizations of people in protest. Also weather problems as I have been predicting all year and have been going.

For different signs:

Aries continues the rebellion or revolution, wanting to change everything to the letter, but otherwise feels very strong inner strength in their favor. Changing work.

Taurus sentimental memories of old relationships or what may be influencing their actions, perhaps a romantic relationship with person of the past.

Gemini good time to take more control or power over situations, resolve legal issues, and receive bequests or inheritances. Expansion goals.

Cancer excellent for those who are in art, music and song, can accomplish things that have been dormant. Great love. Possible trip.

Leo good time professionally or at work, they may have things that have to do with changes in relationships with people or couple.

Virgo though it has its clear goals, is pressured to have to make changes, either by social situations or romantic situations.

Pound the strong influence of these days I will take away from seclusion or others wear what situations, but raise the question if it goes well in your life.

Scorpio is with all your intuition and strength in full, the wheel of fortune accompanies them.

Sagittarius the situation benefits them in labor and money in the area.

Capricorn in these days may find their potential to the full and do things they would not do another time, strength and perseverance helps them achieve the unachievable.

Aquarius is like stuck at home or want to reform, perhaps moving house, or work.

Pisces is at its best spiritual, mental and emotional, the problem is that you must leave your whims not pressure others.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

By birth charts to

                                         WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, NOT LIVE

                                       WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, NOT EXIST

                                                   WITHOUT LOVE, I AM

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