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19 de Junio, 2016    General

Gemini Full Moon 06/20/2016

This Gemini full moon occurs between houses 1 and 7, the personality, the body, individualism versus social relationships and love. The Sun continues in conjunction with Venus, but better off than in the new moon, without so many negatives, only the opposition of the moon, this may indicate that relationships and love are at hand, the need to love express love and to receive love, since it increases the contact need for and the ability to achieve it, is when the internal takes awareness ofwhat the couple takes to follow in life. Venus is the ruler of the 7th house and Libra, which is in the 4th house of home and family, and the moon is in the 7th house, male and female aspects are balanced, so many couples can be gestated in these days, marriage proposals, etc, so also social and connection with others. The full moon may indicate Maximum energy something, and also an end of something, in addition to continuing the conjunction of the Sun with Venus may indicate a conclusion of events associated with the New Moon of the day 06/04/2016, so everything can be indicating very significant events worldwide and on a personal level, I think the influence will be captured and received all one way or another. This time the grand square the form Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and the Lunar Nodes, so it is expected to continue international conflicts, economic conflicts, political, social, many malpractices and negative attitudes and unscrupulous, especially in pursuit of power. The tendency may be to have depressive attitudes, insecurity, deep fears, prone to lies, deceptions, betrayals, defeatist tendency, braking things, or do not have the clarity of what direction to follow, All the reasoning is not enough.
For different signs:
Aries good time to take advantage of the opportunities can knock your door, achievements through the profession or the company. individuality aid.
Taurus goals are clear and strong, the situation around destabilizes, but they have the inner strength to solve everything.
Gemini much instability in every way, but good time to have social achievements, some loving contact, eye with lies and deceit.
Cancer good time in labor, in material things, money achievements.
Leo now it is up situations not entirely straightforward, but prospects good money, personal achievements.
Virgo good prospects to continue arming your life, I recommend not to change jobs, or travel.
Libra are refugees in their family and home, yet are a little more relaxed than at other times, expect there will be better times.
Scorpio lot of inner strength, situations may be in the area of children if you have them, and financial speculation, good sexual time.
Sagittarius the biggest problem may be in the area of health, and this causes problems at work, work is very heavy.
Capricorn luck in the area of social and couples, many personnel changes and external pressure, love and marriage proposals.
Aquarius lot of pressure and a lot of changes out of conviction, much self-control.
Pisces the greatest refuge should be spiritual, possibility of trips, they can not give the expected results, many disappointments.
By birth charts to
RICARDO M. ZANI Astrologer
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