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03 de Junio, 2012    General

Gemini Full Moon 06/04/2012

This Full Moon occurs in Gemini in the house 10, the success, personal achievement, social achievement, politics, business and profession. The Sun is conjunct Venus on one side, both the Moon and the Sun and Venus are in dissonant aspect with Mars and the Sun, Venus and Mercury are in good aspect to Saturn. The Sun, Venus and Mercury in the house 10, can succeed in social, political, economic, profession, the old solution of legal problems, especially for reasons of divorce. For some it may be the end of a long career in a profession, and the beginning of another. It can also mean a promotion to a higher or better position than he was, and must leave what I had as a profession or business. You can be the end of a long history of statesmen, politicians, financiers or banks or financial. There may be a great collapse, economic and political internationally. Also the possibility of social revolutions ending with former governments. The death of an important politician, economist, famous singer, artist and famous painter, famous writer, and so on. The fact that the Midheaven is conjunct the South Node of the Moon and Alcyon, makes a great politician to appear or recur or to renew his place someone who was a great leader. From the spiritual can indicate the occurrence of a high level spiritual leader who will work on a large scale, but have very strong antagonism, or people who will do as it "war" may be the end of a process of spiritual land, and the start of a new one, install a new spiritual or evolutionary Land on planet earth. Large earthquakes can afflict the land, and major volcanic eruptions, as well as huge explosions of all kinds, the fact is that there is talk that the proximity of Mars to Earth can produce a strong gravitational effect, with the resulting movement plate tectonics, and earth tides. It is said that Mars is much closer to land than in other years, the effect of the ellipse that the planets, it is expected that will be much larger than usual. It is also expected occurrences of wars that may have been brewing for a long time. This full moon with astrological events preceding and subsequent marked an epochal transformation in humanity
.For the different signs:

Aries must take care of health above all things, is a special time for changes in job or profession, may be a possibility of receiving a family heritage, or have a dispute with the children familiar.Problemas.

Taurus possibility of long trips. Many today in the spiritual realm. Many activities such sports. Potential conflicts with your partner about money.

Gemini major change situations are assigned to this sign, to a familiar process, so financial situation and the beginning of another. Possibility of a new senior position. Family problems, or changes in the family. Good time for artists, writers, statesmen, musicians, etc..

Cancer is a good time to renew your goals, and it relate to your friends and family, many social or cultural activities.

Leo this situation affects him deeply, you may feel that everything is pressing too much, and the stres or psychological distress are full. You may feel the need to break or withdraw from others to take away some of the situations.

Virgo is at the epicenter of the problem at all, social conflicts, labor, professional, and family, can greatly affect the sign thereof. Maybe some sexual conflict with a partner.

Libra has the best wind of financial possibilities, achievements of money, or solution of economic problems. Possibility of new labor contracts, or to earn money for books or writings. Good time for those who are in politics.

Scorpio family and social situations can be overwhelming the, stress can lead to incorrect decisions have take a few days of rest before further action.

Sagittarius is to do everything possible to integrate or retain the family together, but family situations can destabilize the situation. Tendency to couple the separation of sexual conflict, or illness.

Capricorn good situations in the area of ​​sexuality, with odds of pregnancy. Situations with the children. Possibility of a new partner, or want to marry.

Aquarius a good chance of working and recovery from illness, perhaps a change in work or need to change jobs.

Pisces luck is on your side, the wheel of fortune accompanies them, but the situations of couples may be in crisis, or the possibility of the emergence of a new partner who is not entirely beneficial.

RICARDO ZANI astrologer
For chartstozanimiguel9@gmail.
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