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08 de Julio, 2017    General

Cancer Full Moon 9-7-2017

Aries much optimism, inner strength, impulsivity, beginning of things, enthusiasm, strong sexual meekness and intensity in the couple. There may be stressful situations at home and work.

Taurus a very good moment in general, both in the family, as in the area of ​​money and profits, there can be a major change in the social area and the profession or work.

Geminis good social and economic moment, achievements in general, achievements in the couple, social expansion, solutions of legal problems, or by papers. Achievements in the work or recovery from any disease.

Cancer a lot of sexual magnetism, a lot of inner load, strength and optimism, some change in the home, the couple, and the work or profession. There can be a significant change in the area of ​​the family and the couple, an end of situations, and new goals in that area.

Leo a very good moment in the financial and the legal, solutions of questions for papers, perhaps new contracts, achievements with children or children if you have them, possibility of love or important partner, or that one of the children has a Important partner Possibility of plans for children or pregnancies.

Virgo good moment in the labor, social, and sexual, there may be success in the area of ​​work or profession, new projects that are manifesting in concrete form.

Libra good moment in social, cultural, social expansion, possibilities of plans in pair, some deep love, achievements of money, and lots of luck, the wheel of fortune accompanies them. For some plans or proposals of marriage.

Scorpio very intense in every sense, good moment in the sexual area, reunion with the inner and outer power, important reforms, domestic situations that forces them to generate changes, achievements in the profession or work.

Sagittarius intelligence is very active and awake, very good planning for future and now, realization of objectives, long-term goals. Eye with betrayals and dubious people.

Capricorn good moment in the social and the labor, as well as in the profession, stability but with control and strength in the personality. Situations of conflict or little integrity in the couple. Little union with the family.

Aquarius a lot of goals, goals together with the couple, much love and expansion of social and cultural situations. You may be checking things you wanted to do in the past.

Pisces may be resting from a lot of stress, it's a good time to relax and look around, and calmly see that things resolve themselves and their environment.RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

By natal letters to

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