Fulgencia León Alegría is a woman with a clarity and admirable fortitude, talks about the near future of humanity. In the speech at the XII Congress of the Spirit of Science held in Madrid, we were surprised by his words and the message of love and hope for humanity.
Among the concepts presented found that humans are made up of a mental body, emotional body, an astral body and a material body, that the earth is in a process of transformation and change. In addition to the monetary system will enter a world economic Crack disappearing as known. Emphasizes that we are not gods but like God, that means happiness. The land is mutating as humans. It's time to know, to act. We will be cosmic beings.
The following link is the complete dissertation Fulgencia, it is important to see it fully and without judgment free our mind and paying attention to the concepts presented.
New arrive times and a step change already noted, our Creator is teaching us which way we should go, so we must connect with our mind in the depths of our being, and we come knowledge, truth.