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20 de Diciembre, 2011    General

Capricorn New Moon 12/24/2011

The new moon in Capricorn is in the house 6, in conjunction with Pluto, in good aspect with Neptune, Chiron, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and disharmonious. It may mean that there would be a great revival in the workforce en masse, or it could create new ways of reviving the economy. The conjunction of the Moon-Sun-Pluto, can generate a massive mobilization of people to generate the necessary pressure and bring about reform. We will have to take care of the liver, lungs and kidneys. Continue the possibility of death or fall of a major political leader, and the international crisis tends to deepen, and to have a break, a conflict may generate a clear separation between some countries. They tend to have higher self-control and handle things at will.

For different signs:

Aries may be in a time of change, whether personal or professional work. Perhaps the situation somehow push him to change. You may have a job promotion, which will be required. Activities can take to have to work with many people, or lead groups of people. Possibility of new love.

Taurus has a good time to organize and expand your finances. Problems with the family, can give you the senzación of being alone or feeling a domestic defeat. Maybe problems with partner, family or financial problems.

Gemini tends to restore old things I wanted to do in the past. It is in a time of recovery of memories and things. Need a good morning's sleep.

Cancer just feels a little lonely, it may serve to analyze his life, and reconsider their problems. The Ferris wheel is on the ascendant, so you may have the lucky start relationships, and better self-expression. Perhaps recovery from illness.

Leo has a good chance of financial performance, and greater control of their current situation, good time to solve financial problems behind. There may be disagreements or disputes with the couple, prone to rupture.

Virgo legal issues, studies and family take center stage these days. Family situations may need to do studies or postpone trips. disagreements with siblings. Good possibilities of sex, good magnetism.

Great revival in the workforce en masse, or it could create new ways of reviving the economy

Libra household situations, family and the couple take center stage in the standings. There may be some old situations of the past to solve. Perhaps there will be some possibility of working at home. Tensions with the current partner. Renewal or activation of old projects, or profession.

Scorpio may be entering a more self-confident, and more control over their situation. You can feel the winds blowing in favor and all is well. The finances tend to improve. Good time for actors and artists.

Sagittarius may have tensions with family or siblings. Tensions with the children increases. They may have legal problems to be solved either work or family. Alomejor a proposal of marriage. Also the possibility of finding a job associated with your destination.

Capricorn is the astrological focal point. It is an excellent time for all goes well, are at a point where they can manage their situations under the will, and situations that lead to either side. Good job prospects and financial, and even the possibility of career advancement. You can be the end of a whole situation and start a new one.

Aquarium and social situations of the couple's may be pushing for decisions on which side to pass. May be the case of a crisis of a couple, and the renovation of another. You can be the interruption of pregnancy. New proposals for work, who can benefit. Beware of the kidneys and liver.

Pisces may want to look for solutions abroad or out of your routine and travel a bit. Good time for sportsmen. And a good time for students.

RICARDO astrologer ZANI

For charts to zanimiguel9 @ gmail. Com
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quiet fall

of snow

whitens night’s field

unwritten, sandlike

upon tomorrow’s shore.

Tomorrow is the blessed eve

Lords and Ladies, leaping,

dancing, holy abandon, ecstatic rites.

In dense, secret forest, legends gambol, rise

honorably to masters, age in inebriates.

Spirits imbue damp, fresh scent.

Words melt, evaporate, flavor brew

of ancient melodies, renewed

each Winter’s Eve.
publicado por Zodiac Girl, el 05.01.2012 16:03
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