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27 de Diciembre, 2012    General

Capricorn Full Moon 12/28/2012

This full moon occurs between 11 houses the Sun, and the 5th house the Moon in good aspect to Pluto, Saturn, and Chiron, Uranus and inharmonious. There is a grand trine between the Moon, Saturn and Neptune, making the spiritual, psychological, perceptual, seriousness, constancy, endurance, target depth, is present in this day.The see the Sun conjunct Pluto in the house 11, makes it possible to manage external and internal situations, with better security or power, goals and objectives tend to have a very profound connotation of change, the situation may be such a different or difficult, here both the Sun and Pluto, given the possibility of a complete change of direction, with the support of several planets. The downside of Uranus denotes a great crisis of change, great revolutions and difficult situations for everyone who will be forced to drastic changes, as well as society can generate changes to governments, or having to act jointly or mass for massive crisis resolution, either climatic or events generated by humans. Venus is in opposition to Jupiter, making the economic and political situation is much more unstable, and the ambition is even greater, but with less prospect of a solution, is likely to have to think more in personal circumstances, more than political relationship. The Mars-Saturn square, may indicate serious events of all kinds, mass death, or to resolve difficult situations, and situations of the type of earthquake or serious scientists. Strong international political disputes, which may generate conflict. The square of Jupiter to Neptune give the feeling of insecurity and dissatisfaction, disappointment also the politicians act. We also give you the feeling that things are out of hand and they do not have a clear goal or direction to which to turn. May be brewing a viral outbreak important mass level. Also have to be aware of scams and deceptions of all kinds, whether material and spiritual. There will be a strong tendency for the internal loss and psychological depression, and suffer from strong solutions.

For different signs:

Aries will greatly demanded, will be like in the middle of a battle, which must deal with typical strength and conviction. nevertheless can solve some problems of money, or some stroke of luck.

Taurus is a liability at all, but nevertheless some aspects of the day may take you to have some money or achieving windfall.

Gemini chlorine may not see the objectives to follow or how to solve them, but Jupiter is helping in its expansion and abundance. Perhaps home purchase plans or field. Good time for livestock or animals.

Cancer the biggest problems may occur in the area of ​​children and the family in general, it would be advisable not to take long-term decisions on this day, wait a few days more.

Leo may be asked other couples new situations, or are about love and other sexual magnetism lovemaking much, maybe a long-term proposition.

Virgo is likely that this expectation with social relations and relationships, it is likely that at a point of choice of possibilities, and this puts into torpor.

Libra must take great care of health, this is a time to seek, investigate, discover, get to the bottom of all things, is a good time to fix bijas situations.

Scorpio on one hand has great projects to do, and many things to discover. It can have serious obstacles or problems to solve. Watch made the reckless or believe that everything can, can have strong oposiciones.Posibilidad travel.

Sagittarius can be a great time of great financial and social success, is a good time for politicians to this sign. Much social support or fame.

Capricorn one hand this as a point of great power or internal security, with the ability to renew or change their projects, new and old. The problems may be in the children.

Aquarius is likely to have problems with blood pressure, excess energy, stress, or many activities. Much sexual magnetism.

Pisces although they feel very strongly, that the situation probably leads to the vulnerability and insecurity in what they are doing.


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