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03 de Enero, 2015    General

Capricorn Full Moon 04/01/2015

 23hs53' Cusco

This Full Moon is the Sun in the 4th house along with Pluto and the Moon in the 10th house or Midheaven, so home and family is presented as the most important or the focus of pressure, is receiving increased tension or need solution; Moon is in the 10th house by allowing him to gestate new options for social and economic solutions. This full moon is square to the Lunar Nodes that are on the up (North Node) and the South Node on the 7th house, along with Uranus, so it can indicate a new perspective to follow social, cultural, economic, organizational social; may indicate a large-scale social revolution, both in international politics, as in the area of religion. There may be large mobilizations of people to protest, and even a political regime change - social - economic - religious. Very distinct situations that are causing this change may exist. For some people may indicate a total change in their lives, is considering a completely different direction, since what is being lived no longer has access or can not sustain. The most influenced by this situation are Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra. Is likely to be on or wake potentials opposite signs, for example in this case as opposed Cancer Capricorn tien, and in the case of Cancer Capricorn activate its opposite. The Saturn square Mars and Neptune can indicate all kinds of frustrations, braking situations, falls, bone problems, costs money exes, depression, suicide, fraud, deception, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, large mobilizations of water, showers heavy, strong winds, massive shocks, undimientos boats, etc.
For different signs:
Aries can be signifying a major change in the social area, the couple may be connecting with someone who will bring luck in every way, perhaps someone who already was a partner or in this life or a previous life.
Taurus the great change that may be brewing is to have greater control over their lives, and have an attitude can change or reform your life, look to continue the momentum of the already established.
Gemminis change is the ability to view your perpectiva in wider or global fastened, and not worry so small look details, and the chance to expand their knowledge, and the possibility of long trips.
Cancer in look to stay connected with others and emotionally family, have a little more chill, reliability, honesty and perseverance, besides the possibility of social, labor and professional achievements. Perhaps new partner or family.
Leo perhaps it touches them to change is less fixed and be changing or, more independent, or be more humane attitude, and not as centralized as Leo variables. Your goals charge more shine and strength, and expand their future.
Virgo must learn not to be so realistic, thoughtful and perfectionist, and be more sensitive and intuitive, artistic or expressed in art, music and painting, and think a little more about the afterlife, the astral or esoteric.
Libra learning may come to be more determined and act fearlessly with strength and conviction, and not take more rieszos evaluate both.
Scorpio changes may be less introvrtidos hide least be able to better realize things, and give a little power they want to have on others.
Sagittarius must learn to curiouser and rational der, since in see act thankfully, reasoning before acting can save a lot of things. Learning and teaching. And not live traveling.
Capricorn what to learn is to use more his excitement and be more connected to family, to be more dynamic and not be tied to future time.
Aquarius should learn to act a little more for themselves, not as independent at all, to join the others through the Heart.
Pisces learn to be more rational and learn to see the details of everything, and not as lite in its attitude, wanting to see who understand, begin to understand themselves and understand others.
RICARDO M. Zani astrologer
By birth charts to
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